Italian sentences from Tatoeba 14

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They're good people.
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Sono brave persone.
They're here for me.
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Sono qui per me.
They're in the well.
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Sono nel pozzo.
They're mocking you.
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Ti stanno prendendo in giro.
They're not excited.
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Non sono emozionati.
They're not talking.
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Non stanno parlando.
They're still alive.
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Sono ancora vivi.
They're still young.
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Sono ancora giovani.
They're unconscious.
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Sono incoscienti.
Think about pay day.
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Pensa al giorno di paga.
This CD is my son's.
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Questo CD è di mio figlio.
This apple is sweet.
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Questa mela è dolce.
This beef is tender.
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Questo manzo è tenero.
This bird can't fly.
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Questo uccello non può volare.
This book is Tony's.
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Questo libro è di Tony.
This can is leaking.
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Questo barattolo sta perdendo.
This chair is light.
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Questa sedia è leggera.
This coffee is cold.
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Questo caffè è freddo.
This glass is dirty.
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Questo bicchiere è sporco.
This guy is a loser.
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Questo tizio è un perdente.
This is Lucia's pen.
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Questa è la biro di Lucia.
This is Miss Curtis.
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Questa è la signorina Curtis.
This is Tom calling.
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Questo è Tom che chiama.
This is Tom's camel.
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Questo è il cammello di Tom.
This is Tony's book.
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Questo è il libro di Tony.
This is a big house.
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Questa è una casa grande.
This is a bit scary.
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Questo è un po' spaventoso.
This is a nightmare.
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Questo è un incubo.
This is an easy way.
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Questo è un percorso facile.
This is an ice cube.
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Questo è un cubetto di ghiaccio.
This is an old book.
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Questo è un vecchio libro.
This is holy ground.
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Questo luogo è sacro.
This is interesting.
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Questo è interessante.
This is just stupid.
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Questo è semplicemente stupido.
This is my daughter.
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Questa è mia figlia.
This is my decision.
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Questa è la mia decisione.
This is my father's.
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Questo è di mio padre.
This is my notebook.
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Questo è il mio notebook.
This is my old bike.
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Questa è la mia vecchia bici.
This is my son's CD.
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Questo è il CD di mio figlio.
This is no accident.
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Questo non è un incidente.
This is not a tiger.
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Questa non è una tigre.
This is our problem.
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Questo è il nostro problema.
This is so much fun.
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Questo è così tanto divertente.
This is the dilemma.
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Questo è il dilemma.
This is their house.
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Questa è la loro casa.
This is very useful.
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Questo è molto utile.
This is what I want.
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Questo è quello che voglio.
This isn't for sale.
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Questo non è in vendita.
This isn't possible.
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Questo non è possibile.
This isn't your job.
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Questo non è il tuo lavoro.
This lady is Indian.
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Questa signora è indiana.
This never happened.
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Ciò non è mai successo.
This novel bores me.
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Questo romanzo mi annoia.
This paper is rough.
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Questa carta è ruvida.
This paper is white.
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Questa carta è bianca.
This play has ended.
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Quest'opera è finita.
This school is ours.
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Questa scuola è nostra.
This table is clean.
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Questo tavolo è pulito.
This tooth is loose.
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Questo dente dondola.
Thou shalt not kill.
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Non uccidere.
Three weeks went by.
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Passarono tre settimane.
Time is on our side.
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Il tempo è dalla nostra parte.
Time is running out.
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Il tempo sta finendo.
Time passes quickly.
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Il tempo passa in fretta.
Today would be good.
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Oggi andrebbe bene.
Today's the big day.
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Oggi è il grande giorno.
Tokyo is a big city.
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Tokyo è una grande città.
Tom abused my trust.
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Tom ha abusato della mia fiducia.
Tom agrees with you.
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Tom è d'accordo con te.
Tom already told me.
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Tom me lo ha già detto.
Tom always liked me.
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Sono sempre piaciuto a Tom.
Tom arrived at 2:30.
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Tom è arrivato alle 2:30.
Tom became a father.
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Tom è diventato padre.
Tom beeped the horn.
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Tom ha suonato il clacson.
Tom brought flowers.
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Tom ha portato dei fiori.
Tom came back early.
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Tom è tornato presto.
Tom came by himself.
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Tom è venuto per conto suo.
Tom came here alone.
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Tom è venuto qui da solo.
Tom can hardly walk.
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Tom riesce a malapena a camminare.
Tom can't even read.
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Tom non sa neanche leggere.
Tom can't find Mary.
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Tom non riesce a trovare Mary.
Tom can't stay here.
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Tom non può stare qui.
Tom can't stop Mary.
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Tom non può fermare Mary.
Tom can't tie a tie.
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Tom non riesce ad allacciare una cravatta.
Tom caught the ball.
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Tom ha afferrato la palla.
Tom changed clothes.
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Tom si è cambiato i vestiti.
Tom changed my life.
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Tom mi ha cambiato la vita.
Tom chose to resign.
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Tom ha scelto di dare le dimissioni.
Tom closed his eyes.
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Tom ha chiuso gli occhi.
Tom combed his hair.
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Tom si è pettinato i capelli.
Tom cried all night.
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Tom ha pianto tutta la notte.
Tom cut Mary's hair.
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Tom ha tagliato i capelli di Mary.
Tom dealt the cards.
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Tom ha distribuito le carte.
Tom depends on Mary.
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Tom dipende da Mary.
Tom did a cartwheel.
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Tom ha fatto una ruota.
Tom did a great job.
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Tom ha fatto un grande lavoro.
Tom did it for free.
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Tom l'ha fatto gratis.
Tom didn't bring it.
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Tom non l'ha portato.
Tom didn't complain.
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Tom non si è lamentato.
Tom didn't disagree.
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Tom non era in disaccordo.
Tom didn't get sick.
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Tom non si è ammalato.
Tom didn't go alone.
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Tom non è andato da solo.
Tom didn't go there.
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Tom non c'è andato.
Tom didn't hit Mary.
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Tom non ha colpito Mary.
Tom didn't say much.
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Tom non ha detto molto.
Tom didn't say that.
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Tom non l'ha detto.
Tom didn't see Mary.
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Tom non ha visto Mary.
Tom didn't think so.
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Tom non la pensava così.
Tom didn't want one.
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Tom non ne voleva uno.
Tom didn't write it.
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Tom non l'ha scritto.
Tom died of old age.
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Tom è morto di vecchiaia.
Tom disappointed me.
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Tom mi ha deluso.
Tom doesn't like it.
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A Tom non piace.
Tom doesn't like me.
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Non piaccio a Tom.
Tom doesn't want it.
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Tom non lo vuole.
Tom drank some milk.
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Tom ha bevuto un po' di latte.
Tom drinks a little.
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Tom beve poco.
Tom drinks too much.
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Tom beve troppo.
Tom drives a Datsun.
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Tom guida una Datsun.
Tom drives a Toyota.
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Tom guida una Toyota.
Tom drives me crazy.
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Tom mi fa impazzire.
Tom drives too fast.
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Tom guida troppo veloce.
Tom drove Mary home.
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Tom ha dato un passaggio a casa a Mary.
Tom eats like a pig.
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Tom mangia come un maiale.
Tom failed the exam.
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Tom ha fallito l'esame.
Tom faked his death.
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Tom ha finto la sua morte.
Tom felt humiliated.
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Tom si è sentito umiliato.
Tom filed a lawsuit.
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Tom ha intentato una causa.
Tom forgot about it.
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Tom se n'è scordato.
Tom found me a taxi.
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Tom mi ha trovato un taxi.
Tom found something.
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Tom ha trovato qualcosa.
Tom glanced at Mary.
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Tom fissava Mary.
Tom got a promotion.
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Tom ha avuto una promozione.
Tom got off the bus.
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Tom è sceso dall'autobus.
Tom grabbed his bag.
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Tom ha preso la sua borsa.
Tom had a good idea.
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Tom ha avuto una buona idea.
Tom had a good time.
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Tom si è divertito.
Tom had an accident.
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Tom ha avuto un incidente.
Tom had other plans.
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Tom aveva altri piani.
Tom has a bald spot.
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Tom ha la pelata.
Tom has a beard now.
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Tom ha la barba ora.
Tom has a big house.
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Tom ha una casa grande.
Tom has a black cat.
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Tom ha un gatto nero.
Tom has a cleft lip.
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Tom ha il labbro leporino.
Tom has a pacemaker.
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Tom ha un pacemaker.
Tom has a toothache.
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Tom ha male ai denti.
Tom has a white cat.
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Tom ha un gatto bianco.
Tom has already won.
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Tom ha già vinto.
Tom has been bitten.
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Tom è stato morso.
Tom has been caught.
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Tom è stato preso.
Tom has been crying.
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Tom ha pianto.
Tom has been killed.
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Tom è stato ucciso.
Tom has found a job.
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Tom ha trovato un lavoro.
Tom has gone insane.
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Tom è impazzito.
Tom has gone to bed.
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Tom è andato a letto.
Tom has my sympathy.
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Tom ha la mia simpatia.
Tom has skinny legs.
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Tom ha le gambe magre.
Tom has small hands.
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Tom ha le mani piccole.
Tom has tonsillitis.
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Tom ha la tonsillite.
Tom has two choices.
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Tom ha due scelte.
Tom hasn't met Mary.
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Tom non ha conosciuto Mary.
Tom hates Halloween.
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Tom odia Halloween.
Tom hates the rules.
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Tom odia le regole.
Tom heard the alarm.
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Tom ha sentito la sveglia.
Tom helped us a lot.
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Tom ci ha aiutati molto.
Tom hid his weapons.
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Tom ha nascosto le sue armi.
Tom is Mary's uncle.
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Tom è lo zio di Mary.
Tom is a bad driver.
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Tom è un pessimo conducente.
Tom is a bus driver.
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Tom è un conducente d'autobus.
Tom is a fire eater.
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Tom è un mangiatore di fuoco.
Tom is a normal guy.
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Tom è un tizio normale.
Tom is a politician.
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Tom è un politico.
Tom is a programmer.
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Tom è un programmatore.
Tom is a workaholic.
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Tom è uno stacanovista.
Tom is about thirty.
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Tom è sulla trentina.
Tom is about to die.
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Tom sta per morire.
Tom is already dead.
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Tom è già morto.
Tom is already late.
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Tom è già in ritardo.
Tom is also nervous.
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Tom è anche nervoso.
Tom is always happy.
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Tom è sempre felice.
Tom is always right.
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Tom ha sempre ragione.
Tom is an FBI agent.
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Tom è un agente dell'FBI.
Tom is an adult now.
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Tom è adulto ora.
Tom is an alcoholic.
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Tom è alcolizzato.
Tom is awfully calm.
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Tom è terribilmente calmo.
Tom is back in town.
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Tom è tornato in città.
Tom is barely alive.
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Tom è vivo a malapena.
Tom is calming down.
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Tom si sta calmando.
Tom is clearly lost.
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Tom è chiaramente perso.
Tom is coming today.
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Tom viene oggi.
Tom is conservative.
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Tom è conservatore.
Tom is disappointed.
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Tom è deluso.
Tom is disorganized.
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Tom è disorganizzato.
Tom is expecting me.
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Tom mi sta aspettando.
Tom is getting away.
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Tom se ne sta andando via.
Tom is getting help.
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Tom si sta facendo aiutare.
Tom is getting rich.
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Tom sta diventando ricco.
Tom is going to cry.
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Tom sta per piangere.
Tom is going to die.
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Tom sta per morire.
Tom is going to win.
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Tom sta per vincere.
Tom is helping Mary.
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Tom sta aiutando Mary.
Tom is here to stay.
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Tom è destinato a durare.
Tom is ignoring you.
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Tom ti sta ignorando.
Tom is in Australia.
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Tom è in Australia.
Tom is in the attic.
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Tom è in soffitta.
Tom is in the house.
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Tom è in casa.
Tom is inarticulate.
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Tom è incapace di esprimersi.
Tom is kind of tall.
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Tom è abbastanza alto.
Tom is kind to Mary.
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Tom è gentile con Mary.
Tom is kissing Mary.
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Tom sta baciando Mary.
Tom is legally dead.
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Tom è legalmente deceduto.
Tom is lying in bed.
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Tom è sdraiato sul letto.
Tom is lying to you.
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Tom le sta mentendo.
Tom is not a member.
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Tom non è un membro.
Tom is on death row.
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Tom è nel braccio della morte.
Tom is on the phone.
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Tom è al telefono.
Tom is out to lunch.
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Tom è fuori a pranzo.
Tom is pretty tough.
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Tom è abbastanza tosto.
Tom is really angry.
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Tom è davvero arrabbiato.
Tom is really drunk.
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Tom è davvero ubriaco.
Tom is really funny.
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Tom è davvero divertente.
Tom is really lucky.
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Tom è davvero fortunato.
Tom is right-handed.
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Tom è destrorso.
Tom is sleeping now.
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Tom sta dormendo ora.
Tom is still asleep.
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Tom sta ancora dormendo.
Tom is still crying.
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Tom sta ancora piangendo.
Tom is still hungry.
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Tom ha ancora fame.
Tom is still in bed.
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Tom è ancora a letto.
Tom is still inside.
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Tom è ancora dentro.
Tom is taking notes.
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Tom sta prendendo appunti.
Tom is the murderer.
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Tom è l'assassino.
Tom is the new boss.
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Tom è il nuovo capo.
Tom is their leader.
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Tom è il loro capo.
Tom is too far away.
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Tom è troppo lontano.
Tom is unprejudiced.
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Tom è senza pregiudizi.
Tom is very excited.
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Tom è molto emozionato.
Tom is very popular.
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Tom è molto popolare.
Tom is very unlucky.
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Tom è molto sfortunato.
Tom is very wealthy.
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Tom è molto ricco.
Tom is very worried.
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Tom è molto preoccupato.
Tom is wasting time.
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Tom sta perdendo tempo.
Tom is with someone.
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Tom è con qualcuno.
Tom is with the FBI.
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Tom è con l'FBI.
Tom is working fast.
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Tom sta lavorando velocemente.
Tom is working late.
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Tom sta lavorando tardi.
Tom is your brother.
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Tom è tuo fratello.
Tom isn't breathing.
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Tom non sta respirando.
Tom isn't dangerous.
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Tom non è pericoloso.
Tom isn't in charge.
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Tom non è in carica.
Tom isn't listening.
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Tom non sta ascoltando.
Tom isn't mad at us.
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Tom non è arrabbiato con noi.
Tom isn't religious.
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Tom non è religioso.
Tom isn't returning.
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Tom non sta tornando.
Tom isn't satisfied.
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Tom non è soddisfatto.
Tom isn't surprised.
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Tom non è sorpreso.
Tom kept my lighter.
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Tom ha tenuto il mio accendino.
Tom kept on talking.
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Tom ha continuato a parlare.
Tom kept practicing.
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Tom ha continuato a fare pratica.
Tom knows Mary lied.
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Tom sa che Mary ha mentito.
Tom knows it's true.
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Tom sa che è vero.
Tom knows the truth.
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Tom sa la verità.
Tom laughed at Mary.
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Tom ha riso di Mary.
Tom let the cat out.
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Tom fece uscire il gatto.
Tom liked that idea.
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A Tom piaceva quell'idea.
Tom likes hot curry.
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A Tom piace il curry piccante.
Tom likes spaghetti.
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A Tom piacciono gli spaghetti.
Tom likes traveling.
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A Tom piace viaggiare.
Tom listens to jazz.
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Tom ascolta il jazz.
Tom lived in Boston.
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Tom viveva a Boston.
Tom lives in Boston.
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Tom vive a Boston.
Tom lives near Mary.
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Tom vive vicino a Mary.
Tom lives on a boat.
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Tom vive su una barca.
Tom looked relieved.
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Tom sembrava sollevato.
Tom looked startled.
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Tom sembrava sorpreso.
Tom looked very sad.
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Tom sembrava molto triste.
Tom looks different.
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Tom sembra diverso.
Tom looks disgusted.
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Tom sembra disgustato.
Tom looks exhausted.
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Tom sembra esausto.
Tom looks intrigued.
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Tom sembra intrigato.
Tom looks perplexed.
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Tom sembra perplesso.
Tom looks satisfied.
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Tom sembra soddisfatto.
Tom looks surprised.
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Tom sembra sorpreso.
Tom lost his temper.
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Tom ha perso le staffe.
Tom lost his wallet.
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Tom ha perso il portafoglio.
Tom loved all of us.
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Tom amava tutti noi.
Tom loves Australia.
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Tom ama l'Australia.
Tom made Mary happy.
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Tom ha reso Mary felice.
Tom made a decision.
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Tom ha preso una decisione.
Tom made a sandwich.
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Tom ha preparato un sandwich.
Tom made his choice.
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Tom ha fatto la sua scelta.
Tom made me do that.
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Tom me l'ha fatto fare.
Tom made no comment.
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Tom non ha fatto commenti.
Tom may be a genius.
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Tom può essere un genio.
Tom missed the exit.
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Tom ha mancato l'uscita.
Tom misses his wife.
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A Tom manca sua moglie.
Tom must be stopped.
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Tom dev'essere fermato.
Tom needed a hammer.
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Tom aveva bisogno di un martello.
Tom needed the cash.
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Tom aveva bisogno dei contanti.
Tom needs new shoes.
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A Tom servono delle scarpe nuove.
Tom needs our input.
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Tom ha bisogno del nostro contributo.
Tom needs some time.
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Tom ha bisogno di un po' di tempo.
Tom never came back.
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Tom non è mai tornato.
Tom never said that.
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Tom non l'ha mai detto.
Tom never showed up.
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Tom non si è mai mostrato.
Tom opened a window.
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Tom ha aperto una finestra.
Tom opened the cage.
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Tom ha aperto la gabbia.
Tom opened the door.
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Tom ha aperto la porta.
Tom opened the safe.
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Tom ha aperto la cassaforte.
Tom owes me a favor.
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Tom mi deve un favore.
Tom picked the lock.
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Tom ha scassinato la serratura.
Tom plays the flute.
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Tom suona il flauto.
Tom pointed at Mary.
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Tom ha indicato Mary.
Tom pulled the rope.
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Tom ha tirato la corda.
Tom raised his hand.
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Tom ha alzato la mano.
Tom ran out of food.
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Tom ha finito il cibo.
Tom refuses to work.
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Tom si rifiuta di lavorare.
Tom rolled his eyes.
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Tom ha rovesciato gli occhi.
Tom sat at his desk.
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Tom sedeva alla sua scrivania.
Tom sat on the curb.
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Tom sedeva sul bordo del marciapiede.
Tom says he's happy.
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Tom dice che è felice.
Tom says he's tired.
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Tom dice che è stanco.
Tom screamed loudly.
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Tom ha urlato forte.
Tom seemed agitated.
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Tom sembrava agitato.
Tom seemed very sad.
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Tom sembrava molto triste.
Tom seems dangerous.
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Tom sembra pericoloso.
Tom seems insincere.
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Tom sembra insincero.
Tom seems satisfied.
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Tom sembra soddisfatto.
Tom seems surprised.
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Tom sembra sorpreso.
Tom seems to be sad.
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Tom sembra essere triste.
Tom should thank me.
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Tom dovrebbe ringraziarmi.
Tom should've known.
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Tom avrebbe dovuto saperlo.
Tom sings very well.
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Tom canta molto bene.
Tom slit his wrists.
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Tom si è tagliato i polsi.
Tom smells horrible.
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Tom ha un odore terribile.
Tom started snoring.
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Tom ha cominciato a russare.
Tom stole my wallet.
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Tom mi ha rubato il portafoglio.
Tom stole your bike.
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Tom ti ha rubato la bici.
Tom stopped singing.
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Tom ha smesso di cantare.
Tom stopped writing.
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Tom ha smesso di scrivere.
Tom swims very fast.
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Tom nuota molto velocemente.
Tom talked too much.
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Tom ha parlato troppo.
Tom told me to stay.
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Tom mi ha detto di restare.
Tom took a big risk.
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Tom ha corso un grosso rischio.
Tom wants to escape.
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Tom vuole scappare.
Tom was belligerent.
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Tom era belligerante.
Tom was my cellmate.
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Tom era il mio compagno di cella.
Tom was out all day.
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Tom è stato fuori tutto il giorno.
Tom was turned down.
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Tom è stato rifiutato.
Tom was unimpressed.
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Tom non era impressionato.
Tom watched Mary go.
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Tom guardò Mary partire.
Tom went downstairs.
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Tom è andato di sotto.
Tom will be furious.
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Tom sarà furioso.
Tom will be pleased.
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Tom sarà compiaciuto.
Tom will be stopped.
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Tom verrà fermato.
Tom will do nothing.
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Tom non farà niente.
Tom will kill again.
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Tom ucciderà ancora.
Tom will never know.
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Tom non lo saprà mai.
Tom will never stop.
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Tom non si fermerà mai.
Tom will not starve.
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Tom non morirà di fame.
Tom wiped the table.
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Tom ha pulito il tavolo.
Tom won the lottery.
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Tom ha vinto la lotteria.
Tom won't back down.
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Tom non cederà.
Tom won't be coming.
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Tom non verrà.
Tom won't come back.
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Tom non tornerà.
Tom won't fire Mary.
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Tom non licenzierà Mary.
Tom won't help Mary.
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Tom non aiuterà Mary.
Tom won't interfere.
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Tom non interferirà.
Tom won't last long.
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Tom non durerà molto.
Tom won't like that.
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A Tom non piacerà.
Tom won't negotiate.
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Tom non negozierà.
Tom's a likable guy.
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Tom è un tipo simpatico.
Tom's eavesdropping.
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Tom sta origliando.
Tom's hallucinating.
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Tom è allucinante.
Tom's mother's dead.
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La madre di Tom è morta.
Tom's pulse is fast.
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Il battito di Tom è veloce.
Tom's pulse is slow.
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Il battito di Tom è lento.
Tom's pulse is weak.
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Il battito di Tom è debole.
Tom's uncomfortable.
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Tom non è a suo agio.
Tom, are you asleep?
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Tom, stai dormendo?
Tony runs every day.
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Tony corre ogni giorno.
Translate this text.
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Traducete questo testo.
Try on this sweater.
start learning
Provati questo maglione.
Try to do your best.
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Prova a fare del tuo meglio.
Turn down the radio.
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Spegni la radio.
Turn it off, please.
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Spegnilo, per favore.
Turn that thing off.
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Spegni quella cosa.
Turn the music down.
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Abbassa la musica.
Turn the radio down.
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Abbassa la radio.
Two coffees, please.
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Due caffè, per favore.
Wake me up at seven.
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Svegliami alle sette.
Was I really boring?
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Ero davvero noioso?
Was that a squirrel?
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Era uno scoiattolo?
We all have arrived.
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Siamo arrivati tutti.
We already did that.
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L'abbiamo già fatto.
We are all born mad.
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Siamo tutti nati pazzi.
We are both friends.
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Siamo entrambi amici.
We are good friends.
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Siamo buoni amici.
We are in a library.
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Siamo in una biblioteca.
We both fell asleep.
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Ci siamo addormentati entrambi.
We can't blame them.
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Non possiamo incolparli.
We can't fight here.
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Non possiamo combattere qui.
We cannot afford it.
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Non possiamo permettercelo.
We caught the thief.
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Abbiamo catturato il ladro.
We caught two foxes.
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Abbiamo catturato due volpi.
We could get caught.
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Potremmo venire presi.
We didn't create it.
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Non l'abbiamo creato.
We didn't know that.
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Non lo sapevamo.
We dislike violence.
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Non ci piace la violenza.
We don't drink milk.
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Non beviamo latte.
We don't have sugar.
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Non abbiamo zucchero.
We had an oral exam.
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Abbiamo avuto un esame orale.
We have a lot to do.
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Abbiamo molto da fare.
We have a white cat.
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Abbiamo un gatto bianco.
We have enough time.
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Abbiamo abbastanza tempo.
We have to save Tom.
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Dobbiamo salvare Tom.
We know how to swim.
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Sappiamo nuotare.
We live in New York.
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Abitiamo a New York.
We love you so much.
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Ti amiamo così tanto.
We must act at once.
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Dobbiamo agire subito.
We must do it again.
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Dobbiamo farlo ancora.
We must inform them.
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Dobbiamo informarli.
We must pay the tax.
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Dobbiamo pagare la tassa.
We must work faster.
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Dobbiamo lavorare più velocemente.
We need to help Tom.
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Dobbiamo aiutare Tom.
We often play chess.
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Giochiamo spesso a scacchi.
We should do better.
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Dobbiamo fare di meglio.
We should head home.
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Noi dovremmo andare verso casa.
We spoke last night.
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Abbiamo parlato ieri sera.
We swam in the lake.
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Abbiamo nuotato nel lago.
We talked until two.
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Abbiamo parlato fino alle due.
We think it was Tom.
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Pensiamo che fosse stato Tom.
We thought you knew.
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Pensavamo lo sapessi.
We traveled on foot.
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Abbiamo viaggiato a piedi.
We used to watch TV.
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Guardavamo la televisione.
We walked for miles.
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Abbiamo camminato per diverse miglia.
We want to help Tom.
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Vogliamo aiutare Tom.
We want to help you.
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Vogliamo aiutarti.
We want to meet Tom.
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Vogliamo incontrare Tom.
We were almost done.
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Avevamo quasi finito.
We were both hungry.
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Avevamo entrambi fame.
We were really cold.
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Avevamo davvero freddo.
We were speculating.
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Stavamo speculando.
We weren't fighting.
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Non stavamo combattendo.
We will never agree.
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Non saremo mai d'accordo.
We'll keep in touch.
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Staremo in contatto.
We'll miss you, too.
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Mancherai anche a noi.
We'll soon find out.
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Lo scopriremo presto.
We'll stay with Tom.
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Staremo con Tom.
We'll take Tom home.
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Porteremo a casa Tom.
We'll talk upstairs.
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Parleremo di sopra.
We're Tom's friends.
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Siamo gli amici di Tom.
We're Tom's parents.
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Siamo i genitori di Tom.
We're always hungry.
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Abbiamo sempre fame.
We're back together.
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Siamo tornati insieme.
We're being watched.
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Stiamo venendo osservati.
We're eating apples.
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Stiamo mangiando mele.
We're getting close.
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Ci stiamo avvicinando.
We're going to help.
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We're going to lose.
start learning
We're not criminals.
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Non siamo criminali.
We're not strangers.
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Non siamo estranei.
We're open tomorrow.
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Siamo aperti doman.
We're out of danger.
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Siamo fuori pericolo.
We're tempting fate.
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Stiamo tentando il fato.
We're the same size.
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Abbiamo la stessa taglia.
We've all done that.
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L'abbiamo fatto tutti.
We've got a problem.
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Abbiamo un problema.
We've got to escape.
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Dobbiamo scappare.
We've talked to Tom.
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Abbiamo parlato con Tom.
Welcome to our home.
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Benvenuto nella nostra casa.
Well, see you later.
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Beh, a più tardi.
Well? Will you come?
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Quindi? Verrai?
Were you indiscreet?
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Sei stato indiscreto?
Were you successful?
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Hai avuto successo?
Weren't you leaving?
start learning
Non stavi partendo?
What a genius he is!
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Che genio che è!
What a pretty woman!
start learning
Che bella donna!
What an absurd idea!
start learning
Che idea assurda!
What are they doing?
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Cosa stanno facendo?
What are you eating?
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Cosa stai mangiando?
What are you hiding?
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Cosa stai nascondendo?
What are you saying?
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Cosa stai dicendo?
What could go wrong?
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Cosa potrebbe andar male?
What did Tom decide?
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Cos'ha deciso Tom?
What did they reply?
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Cos'hanno risposto?
What did they think?
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Cos'hanno pensato?
What did you answer?
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Che cos'hai risposto?
What didn't I write?
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Cosa non ho scritto?
What do you do here?
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Cosa fai qui?
What do you propose?
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Cosa proponi?
What do you suggest?
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Cosa suggerisci?
What does he expect?
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Che cosa si aspetta?
What does it matter?
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Che importa?
What does that mean?
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Cosa vuole dire?
What does this mean?
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Questo cosa significa?
What don't you have?
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Cosa non hai?
What don't you like?
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Cosa non ti piace?
What else is needed?
start learning
Cos'altro serve?
What happened to it?
start learning
Che ne è successo?
What happened today?
start learning
Cos'è successo oggi?
What have they done?
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Cos'hanno fatto?
What have you heard?
start learning
Cos'hai sentito?
What is her problem?
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Qual è il suo problema?
What is his problem?
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Qual è il suo problema?
What is it now, Tom?
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Cosa c'è ora, Tom?
What is on the desk?
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Cosa c'è sulla scrivania?
What is popular now?
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Cos'è popolare ora?
What is the problem?
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Qual è il problema?
What is this called?
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Come si chiama questo?
What pretty flowers!
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Che bei fiori!
What should I bring?
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Cosa devo portare?
What street is this?
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Che strada è questa?
What time is dinner?
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A che ora è la cena?
What time is it now?
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Che ora è adesso?
What was I thinking?
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Cosa stavo pensando?
What was Tom's plan?
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Qual era il piano di Tom?
What was that noise?
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Che cos'era quel rumore?
What was that sound?
start learning
Cos'era quel suono?
What was the result?
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Qual era il risultato?
What would you like?
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Cosa vuoi?
What're you good at?
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In cosa sei bravo?
What's Tom done now?
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Cos'ha fatto ora Tom?
What's done is done.
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Quel che è fatto è fatto.
What's it made from?
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Da cosa è prodotto?
What's the bad news?
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Qual è la cattiva notizia?
What's the note say?
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Cosa dice la nota?
What's the plan now?
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Qual è il piano ora?
What's this key for?
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A cosa serve questa chiave?
What's this made of?
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Di cos'è fatto questo?
What's worrying you?
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Cosa ti preoccupa?
What's your opinion?
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Qual è la tua opinione?
What's your problem?
start learning
Qual è il tuo problema?
When did Tom escape?
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Quando è scappato Tom?
When did they leave?
start learning
Quando sono partiti?
When did you arrive?
start learning
Quando sei arrivato?
When did you get up?
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Quando ti sei alzato?
When do I get there?
start learning
Quando ci arrivo?
When does it arrive?
start learning
Quando arriva?
When does it finish?
start learning
Quando finisce?
When was Lucia born?
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Quando è nata Lucia?
When will we arrive?
start learning
Quando arriveremo?
When will you leave?
start learning
Quando parti?
Where are my things?
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Dove sono le mie cose?
Where are the forks?
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Dove sono le forchette?
Where are they from?
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Da dove vengono?
Where are you going?
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Dove vai?
Where can we buy it?
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Dove possiamo comprarlo?
Where did it happen?
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Dov'è successo?
Where does she work?
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Dove lavora?
Where have you been?
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Dove sei stato?
Where is he playing?
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Dove sta suonando?
Where is his family?
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Dov'è la sua famiglia?
Where is my luggage?
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Dove sono i miei bagagli?
Where is my red pen?
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Dov'è la mia penna rossa?
Where is the school?
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Dov'è la scuola?
Where is the toilet?
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Dov'è il bagno?
Where is your house?
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Dov'è la tua casa?
Where should I park?
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Dove dovrei parcheggiare?
Where were you born?
start learning
Dove sei nato?
Where's Mary's ring?
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Dov'è l'anello di Mary?
Where's my golf bag?
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Dov'è la mia borsa da golf?
Where's my suitcase?
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Dov'è la mia valigia?
Where's the station?
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Dov'è la stazione?
Where's your father?
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Dov'è tuo padre?
Where's your jacket?
start learning
Dov'è la tua giacca?
Where's your mother?
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Dov'è tua madre?
Where's your wallet?
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Dov'è il tuo portafoglio?
Where's your weapon?
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Dov'è la tua arma?
Which beer is yours?
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Quale birra è la tua?
Which book is yours?
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Qual è il tuo libro?
Who am I talking to?
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Con chi sto parlando?
Who authorized this?
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Chi ha autorizzato ciò?
Who baked this cake?
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Chi ha fatto questa torta?
Who called the cops?
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Chi ha chiamato i poliziotti?
Who do you work for?
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Per chi lavori?
Who else helped you?
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Chi altro ti ha aiutato?
Who is your teacher?
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Chi è il tuo professore?
Who locked the door?
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Chi ha chiuso a chiave la porta?
Who owns this house?
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Chi è il proprietario di questa casa?
Who owns this villa?
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A chi appartiene questa villa?
Who sent this to us?
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Chi ci ha mandato questo?
Who should I inform?
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Chi dovrei informare?
Who sings that song?
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Chi canta quella canzone?
Who sings this song?
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Chi canta quella canzone?
Who stole the apple?
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Chi ha rubato la mela?
Who wrote the Bible?
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Chi ha scritto la Bibbia?
Who wrote this book?
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Chi ha scritto questo libro?
Who's going with me?
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Chi viene con me?
Who's here with you?
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Chi c'è qui con te?
Who's looking at me?
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Chi mi sta guardando?
Who's on duty today?
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Chi è di servizio oggi?
Who's the lucky one?
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Chi è il fortunato?
Whose idea was that?
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Di chi è stata quell'idea?
Whose idea was this?
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Di chi è stata questa idea?
Whose phone is that?
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Di chi è quel telefono?
Whose phone is this?
start learning
Di chi è questo telefono?
Whose plan was that?
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Di chi era quel piano?
Whose shirt is this?
start learning
Di chi è questa camicia?
Why am I doing this?
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Perché sto facendo questo?
Why are you at home?
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Perché sei a casa?
Why are you singing?
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Perché stai cantando?
Why are you so fast?
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Perché sei così rapido?
Why are you so glum?
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Perché sei così cupo?
Why are you worried?
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Di cosa sei preoccupato?
Why aren't you here?
start learning
Perché non sei qui?
Why can't I do that?
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Perché non posso farlo?
Why can't you do it?
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Perché non puoi farlo?
Why did I trust you?
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Perché mi sono fidato di te?
Why did he run away?
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Perché è corso via?
Why did she do that?
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Perché lei l'ha fatto?
Why did this happen?
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Perché è successo questo?
Why did you go home?
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Perché sei andato a casa?
Why did you stop me?
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Perché mi hai fermato?
Why didn't Tom come?
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Perché Tom non è venuto?
Why didn't she come?
start learning
Perché non è venuta?
Why didn't you come?
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Perché non sei venuto?
Why do you say that?
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Perché lo dici?
Why do you think so?
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Perché la pensi così?
Why don't you drive?
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Perché non guidi?
Why is Tom not here?
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Perché Tom non è qui?
Why is Tom so angry?
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Perché Tom è così arrabbiato?
Why is the dog here?
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Perché il cane è qui?
Why is the sky blue?
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Perché il cielo è blu?
Why should he leave?
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Perché dovrebbe andarsene?
Why won't Tom leave?
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Perché Tom non partirà?
Will he ever change?
start learning
Cambierà mai?
Will this help them?
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Questo li aiuterà?
Would Tom like that?
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A Tom piacerebbe quello?
Would you excuse me?
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Mi scuseresti?
Would you excuse us?
start learning
Ci scuseresti?
Would you like that?
start learning
Ti piacerebbe quello?
Wow! What a big box!
start learning
Wow! Che scatola grande!
Wow, it's hot today.
start learning
Wow, fa caldo oggi.
You are a good cook.
start learning
Sei un bravo cuoco.
You are always late.
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Sei sempre in ritardo.
You are such a liar!
start learning
Sei un tale bugiardo!
You aren't yourself.
start learning
Non sei te stesso.
You arrived on time.
start learning
Sei arrivato in tempo.
You asked to see me.
start learning
Hai chiesto di vedermi.
You ate my sandwich.
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Hai mangiato il mio sandwich.
You can believe him.
start learning
Puoi credergli.
You can call me Bob.
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Puoi chiamarmi Bob.
You can go home now.
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Puoi andare a casa adesso.
You can rely on him.
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Ci si può fidare di lui.
You can use my help.
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Puoi usufruire del mio aiuto.
You can't blame him.
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Non puoi incolparlo.
You can't deny that.
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Non puoi negarlo.
You can't park here.
start learning
Non puoi parcheggiare qui.
You can't trust him.
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Non puoi fidarti di lui.
You could let us go.
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Potresti lasciarci andare.
You could stop this.
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Potresti fermarlo.
You deserve a prize.
start learning
Meriti un premio.
You didn't break it.
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Non l'hai rotto.
You disappointed me.
start learning
Mi hai deluso.
You guys are no fun.
start learning
Voi ragazzi non siete divertenti.
You have everything.
start learning
Hai tutto.
You have good ideas.
start learning
Hai delle buone idee.
You have soft hands.
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Hai le mani morbide.
You have some books.
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Hai qualche libro.
You have three cars.
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Hai tre automobili.
You have three cats.
start learning
Hai tre gatti.
You have to go back.
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Devi tornare indietro.
You have to help me.
start learning
Devi aiutarmi.
You have to help us.
start learning
Devi aiutarci.
You knew I was here.
start learning
Lo sapevi che ero qui.
You know I love you.
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Lo sai che ti amo.
You know who I mean.
start learning
Sai chi intendo.
You know why I left.
start learning
Lo sai perché sono andato via.
You lied to the FBI.
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Hai mentito all'FBI.
You look good today.
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Hai un bell'aspetto oggi.
You look like a cop.
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Sembri un poliziotto.
You look pale today.
start learning
Sembri pallido oggi.
You look very tired.
start learning
Sembri molto stanco.
You lost an earring.
start learning
Hai perso un orecchino.
You may call me Tom.
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Puoi chiamarmi Tom.
You may go anywhere.
start learning
Puoi andare ovunque.
You may go home now.
start learning
Puoi andare a casa adesso.
You may laugh at me.
start learning
Puoi ridere di me.
You might like this.
start learning
Potrebbe piacerti questo.
You must be careful.
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Devi fare attenzione.
You must go at once.
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Devi andare immediatamente.
You must not say it.
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Non devi dirlo.
You must start soon.
start learning
Devi cominciare presto.
You must stay awake.
start learning
Devi stare sveglio.
You must study hard.
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Bisogna studiare duramente.
You must study more.
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Devi studiare di più.
You need protection.
start learning
Hai bisogno di protezione.
You never showed up.
start learning
Non ti sei mai presentato.
You ran a red light.
start learning
Sei passato col rosso.
You really hurt Tom.
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Hai davvero ferito Tom.
You seemed stressed.
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Sembravi stressato.
You should be proud.
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Dovresti essere fiero.
You should call Tom.
start learning
Dovresti chiamare Tom.
You should eat more.
start learning
Dovresti mangiare di più.
You should exercise.
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Dovresti esercitarti.
You should meet him.
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Dovresti incontrarlo.
You shouldn't be up.
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Non dovresti essere alzato.
You shouldn't smoke.
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Non dovresti fumare.
You were right, Tom.
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Avevi ragione, Tom.
You were right, too.
start learning
Anche tu avevi ragione.
You will be ignored.
start learning
Verrai ignorato.
You will pay for it.
start learning
La pagherai.
You won't die today.
start learning
Non morirai oggi.
You'd better not go.
start learning
Faresti meglio a non andare.
You'll be in danger.
start learning
Sarai in pericolo.
You'll catch a cold.
start learning
Prenderai il raffreddore.
You're a bright boy.
start learning
Sei un ragazzo intelligente.
You're a loser, Tom.
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Sei un perdente, Tom.
You're a lucky girl.
start learning
Sei una ragazza fortunata.
You're a part of me.
start learning
Fai parte di me.
You're a workaholic.
start learning
Sei uno stacanovista.
You're all I've got.
start learning
Tu sei tutto quel che ho.
You're always happy.
start learning
Sei sempre felice.
You're confusing me.
start learning
Mi stai confondendo.
You're going to die.
start learning
Sta per morire.
You're hurting them.
start learning
Gli stai facendo male.
You're irresistible.
start learning
Sei irresistibile.
You're just envious.
start learning
Sei solo invidioso.
You're just jealous.
start learning
Sei semplicemente geloso.
You're no different.
start learning
Non sei diverso.
You're not bleeding.
start learning
Non stai sanguinando.
You're quite a hero.
start learning
Sei discretamente un eroe.
You're quite a liar.
start learning
Sei un discreto bugiardo.
You're so beautiful!
start learning
Sei così bella!
You've gone too far.
start learning
Sei andato troppo lontano.
You've got 24 hours.
start learning
Hai 24 ore.
You've got it wrong.
start learning
L'hai capito male.
Your father is tall.
start learning
Tuo padre è alto.
Your job isn't easy.
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Il tuo lavoro non è facile.
Your shoes are here.
start learning
Le tue scarpe sono qui.
Yours is over there.
start learning
Il tuo è laggiù.
Zucchinis are green.
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Le zucchine sono verdi.
A cat has nine lives.
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Un gatto ha nove vite.
A cup of tea, please.
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Una tazza di tè, per favore.
A horse is an animal.
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Un cavallo è un animale.
A piano is expensive.
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Un piano è costoso.
A squid has ten legs.
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Un calamaro ha dieci tentacoli.
Acid eats into metal.
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L'acido attacca il metallo.
Add sugar to the tea.
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Aggiungi lo zucchero al tè.
All men are brothers.
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Tutti gli uomini sono fratelli.
Always lock the door.
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Chiudi sempre a chiave la porta.
Am I being too vague?
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Sono troppo vago?
Am I handsome or not?
start learning
Sono bello o no?
Am I wasting my time?
start learning
Sto sprecando il mio tempo?
And who might you be?
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E tu chi saresti?
Ann can't find a job.
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Ann non riesce a trovare un lavoro.
Ann has many friends.
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Ann ha molti amici.
Ann is a cheerleader.
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Ann è una cheerleader.
Aoi dances very well.
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Aoi danza molto bene.
Aoi is a good dancer.
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Aoi è una brava ballerina.
Apes are intelligent.
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Le scimmie sono intelligenti.
Apples grow on trees.
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Le mele crescono sugli alberi.
Are you Tom's mother?
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Sei la madre di Tom?
Are you a vegetarian?
start learning
Sei vegetariano?
Are you afraid of me?
start learning
Hai paura di me?
Are you almost ready?
start learning
Sei quasi pronto?
Are you eating lunch?
start learning
Stai mangiando il pranzo?
Are you feeling sick?
start learning
Ti senti male?
Are you following me?
start learning
Mi stai seguendo?
Are you fond of golf?
start learning
Sei appassionato di golf?
Are you free tonight?
start learning
Sei libero stasera?
Are you going or not?
start learning
Ci vai o no?
Are you here to help?
start learning
Sei qui per aiutare?
Are you in much pain?
start learning
Hai molto dolore?
Are you ready to eat?
start learning
Sei pronto per mangiare?
Are you ready to fly?
start learning
Siete pronti a volare?
Are you really a nun?
start learning
Sei davvero una suora?
Are you spying on me?
start learning
Mi stai spiando?
Are you talking shop?
start learning
Stai parlando di lavoro?
Are you unhappy, Tom?
start learning
Sei infelice, Tom?
Are you with us, Tom?
start learning
Sei con noi, Tom?
Are your hands clean?
start learning
Le tue mani sono pulite?
Aren't they adorable?
start learning
Non sono adorabili?
Aren't you impressed?
start learning
Non sei impressionato?
Baby teeth are sharp.
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I denti da latte sono affilati.
Be sure to come at 3.
start learning
Assicurati di venire alle 3.
Beware of imitations.
start learning
Diffida delle imitazioni.
Bilal went to school.
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Bilal è andato a scuola.
Birds fly in the sky.
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Gli uccelli volano nel cielo.
Blood was everywhere.
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C'era sangue dappertutto.
Bob is a nice person.
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Bob è una brava persona.
Both dogs are asleep.
start learning
Entrambi i cani sono addormentati.
Business is business.
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Gli affari sono affari.
But you're not there.
start learning
Però non ci sei.
California is boring.
start learning
La California è noiosa.
Call me this evening.
start learning
Mi chiami stasera.
Call us this evening.
start learning
Ci chiami stasera.
Can I buy you dinner?
start learning
Posso offrirti la cena?
Can I call you a cab?
start learning
Posso chiamarti un taxi?
Can I call you again?
start learning
Posso chiamarti ancora?
Can I call you later?
start learning
Posso chiamarti più tardi?
Can I close the door?
start learning
Posso chiudere la porta?
Can I extend my stay?
start learning
Posso estendere il mio soggiorno?
Can I give you a hug?
start learning
Posso darti un abbraccio?
Can I go out to play?
start learning
Posso uscire a giocare?
Can I see your hands?
start learning
Posso vedere le tue mani?
Can I take a day off?
start learning
Posso prendermi un giorno di permesso?
Can I take your coat?
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Posso prendere il tuo cappotto?
Can I think about it?
start learning
Posso pensarci?
Can I turn on the TV?
start learning
Posso accendere la televisione?
Can I use your phone?
start learning
Posso usare il tuo telefono?
Can Tom speak French?
start learning
Tom sa parlare francese?
Can he speak English?
start learning
Riesce a parlare in inglese?
Can we afford it now?
start learning
Possiamo permettercelo ora?
Can we interview Tom?
start learning
Possiamo intervistare Tom?
Can we meet tomorrow?
start learning
Possiamo incontrarci domani?
Can you believe them?
start learning
Possiamo credergli?
Can you come at nine?
start learning
Puoi venire alle nove?
Can you confirm that?
start learning
Puoi confermarlo?
Can you hold my hand?
start learning
Puoi prendermi la mano?
Can you imagine that?
start learning
Puoi immaginarlo?
Can you read my mind?
start learning
Riesci a leggermi nel pensiero?
Can you ride a horse?
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Sai andare a cavallo?
Can you take me home?
start learning
Puoi portarmi a casa?
Can you translate it?
start learning
Puoi tradurlo?
Can't we go with Tom?
start learning
Non possiamo andare con Tom?
Can't you understand?
start learning
Non riesci a capire?
Cats hate to get wet.
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I gatti odiano bagnarsi.
Change is inevitable.
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Il cambiamento è inevitabile.
Check back next week.
start learning
Controlla di nuovo la settimana prossima.
Come back to Chicago.
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Torna a Chicago.
Come fishing with me.
start learning
Vieni a pescare con me.
Come home before six.
start learning
Torna a casa prima delle sei.
Consider the options.
start learning
Considera le opzioni.
Context is important.
start learning
Il contesto è importante.
Cotton absorbs water.
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Il cotone assorbe l'acqua.
Could I borrow a pen?
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Potrei prendere in prestito una penna?
Could I try to do it?
start learning
Potrei provare a farlo?
Could we have a fork?
start learning
Potremmo avere una forchetta?
Damascus is in Syria.
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Damasco è in Siria.
Dead dogs don't bite.
start learning
I cani morti non mordono.
Deliver this message.
start learning
Consegna questo messaggio.
Did I miss something?
start learning
Ho perso qualcosa?
Did Tom ask about us?
start learning
Tom ha chiesto di noi?
Did Tom say anything?
start learning
Tom ha detto qualcosa?
Did Tom threaten you?
start learning
Tom ti ha minacciato?
Did anybody get hurt?
start learning
Qualcuno si è fatto male?
Did he pass the test?
start learning
Ha passato il test?
Did he say something?
start learning
Ha detto qualcosa?
Did it go well today?
start learning
È andata bene oggi?
Did the baby wake up?
start learning
Si è svegliato il bambino?
Did you come to town?
start learning
Sei venuto in città?
Did you eat too much?
start learning
Hai mangiato troppo?
Did you see a doctor?
start learning
Hai visto un dottore?
Did you see his face?
start learning
L'hai visto in viso?
Did you tell anybody?
start learning
L'hai detto a qualcuno?
Did you wait for Tom?
start learning
Hai aspettato Tom?
Did you win the case?
start learning
Hai vinto la causa?
Did you win the race?
start learning
Hai vinto la corsa?
Didn't I tell you so?
start learning
Non ti ho detto così?
Do I have to pay you?
start learning
Devo pagarti?
Do it somewhere else.
start learning
Fatelo da qualche altra parte.
Do we have a problem?
start learning
Abbiamo un problema?
Do what he tells you.
start learning
Fai quello che ti dice.
Do whatever it takes.
start learning
Fai tutto quello che c'è da fare.
Do you drink alcohol?
start learning
Bevi alcolici?
Do you eat out often?
start learning
Mangi spesso fuori?
Do you enjoy talking?
start learning
Ti piace parlare?
Do you go to college?
start learning
Frequenti l'università?
Do you have Guinness?
start learning
Avete la Guinness?
Do you have a camera?
start learning
Hai una macchina fotografica?
Do you have a family?
start learning
Hai una famiglia?
Do you have a pencil?
start learning
Hai una matita?
Do you have a tattoo?
start learning
Hai un tatuaggio?
Do you have a theory?
start learning
Hai una teoria?
Do you have a ticket?
start learning
Avete un biglietto?
Do you have a violin?
start learning
Hai un violino?
Do you have an alibi?
start learning
Hai un alibi?
Do you have any cash?
start learning
Hai dei contanti?
Do you have any news?
start learning
Hai qualche notizia?
Do you have any tape?
start learning
Hai del nastro adesivo?
Do you have ashtrays?
start learning
Hai dei posacenere?
Do you have blankets?
start learning
Hai delle lenzuola?
Do you have children?
start learning
Hai figli?
Do you hear anything?
start learning
Senti qualcosa?
Do you know Tom well?
start learning
Conosci bene Tom?
Do you like New York?
start learning
Ti piace New York?
Do you like pretzels?
start learning
Ti piacciono i pretzel?
Do you like red wine?
start learning
Ti piace il vino rosso?
Do you like the city?
start learning
Ti piace la città?
Do you like the plan?
start learning
Ti piace il piano?
Do you like to dance?
start learning
Ti piace ballare?
Do you like to study?
start learning
Ti piace studiare?
Do you like your car?
start learning
Ti piace la tua macchina?
Do you like your job?
start learning
Ti piace il tuo lavoro?
Do you need a minute?
start learning
Ti serve un minuto?
Do you need anything?
start learning
Hai bisogno di qualcosa?
Do you need our help?
start learning
Hai bisogno del nostro aiuto?
Do you need the book?
start learning
Hai bisogno del libro?
Do you own a handgun?
start learning
Possiedi una pistola?
Do you remember this?
start learning
Ti ricordi questo?
Do you run every day?
start learning
Correte tutti i giorni?
Do you speak Catalan?
start learning
Parli il catalano?
Do you speak Chinese?
start learning
Parli cinese?
Do you speak English?
start learning
Parli inglese?
Do you speak Italian?
start learning
Parli italiano?
Do you speak Spanish?
start learning
Parli spagnolo?
Do you speak Swahili?
start learning
Parli Swahili?
Do you speak Tagalog?
start learning
Parli il tagalog?
Do you speak Turkish?
start learning
Parli il turco?
Do you still love me?
start learning
Mi ami ancora?
Do you study English?
start learning
Studi inglese?
Do you understand me?
start learning
Mi capisci?
Do you want a cookie?
start learning
Vuoi un biscottino?
Do you want a ticket?
start learning
Vuoi un biglietto?
Do you want children?
start learning
Vuoi dei bambini?
Do you want me to go?
start learning
Vuoi che vada?
Do you want this job?
start learning
Vuoi questo lavoro?
Do you want to dance?
start learning
Vuoi ballare?
Do you want to do it?
start learning
Vuoi farlo?
Do your homework now.
start learning
Fa' il tuo compito adesso.
Do your work quickly.
start learning
Fai il tuo lavoro rapidamente.
Does Ken play tennis?
start learning
Ken gioca a tennis?
Does anyone disagree?
start learning
Qualcuno non è d'accordo?
Does that taste good?
start learning
Ha un buon sapore?
Does this make sense?
start learning
Ciò ha senso?
Dolphins are curious.
start learning
I delfini sono curiosi.
Don't be embarrassed.
start learning
Non essere imbarazzato.
Don't be impertinent.
start learning
Non essere impertinente.
Don't be so dramatic.
start learning
Non essere così drammatico.
Don't be so negative.
start learning
Non essere così negativo.
Don't be so reserved.
start learning
Non siate così riservati.
Don't blame yourself.
start learning
Non incolpare te stesso.
Don't brake suddenly.
start learning
Non frenare all'improvviso.
Don't disappoint him.
start learning
Non deluderlo.
Don't eat like a pig.
start learning
Non mangiare come un maiale.
Don't forget to vote.
start learning
Non dimenticarti di votare.
Don't give it to Tom.
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Non darlo a Tom.
Don't give it to him.
start learning
Non darglielo.
Don't leave me alone.
start learning
Non lasciarmi da solo.
Don't leave the room.
start learning
Non lasciare la stanza.
Don't let the dog in.
start learning
Non lasciare entrare il cane.
Don't lose your cool.
start learning
Non perdere la calma.
Don't make fun of me.
start learning
Non prenderti gioco di me.
Don't move from here.
start learning
Non ti muovere da qui.
Don't open your book.
start learning
Non aprire il tuo libro.
Don't play dumb, Tom.
start learning
Non fare il finto tonto, Tom.
Don't play with fire.
start learning
Non scherzare col fuoco.
Don't pull my sleeve.
start learning
Non tirarmi la manica.
Don't shut your eyes.
start learning
Non chiudere gli occhi.
Don't talk about Tom.
start learning
Non parlare di Tom.
Don't touch me again.
start learning
Non toccarmi ancora.
Don't touch my stuff!
start learning
Non toccare la mia roba!
Don't touch my stuff.
start learning
Non toccare la mia roba.
Don't try to deny it.
start learning
Non provare a negarlo.
Don't worry about it!
start learning
Non preoccupartene!
Don't worry about it.
start learning
Non preoccupartene.
Don't worry about me.
start learning
Non vi preoccupate per me.
Don't worry about us.
start learning
Non vi preoccupate per noi.
Don't you ever sleep?
start learning
Non dormi mai?
Don't you want to go?
start learning
Non vuoi andare?
Dublin is in Ireland.
start learning
Dublino è in Irlanda.
Everybody fears time.
start learning
Tutti hanno paura del tempo.
Everyone has secrets.
start learning
Tutti hanno dei segreti.
Everyone is doing it.
start learning
Tutti lo stanno facendo.
Everyone noticed her.
start learning
Tutti si sono accorti di lei.
Everyone stayed calm.
start learning
Tutti sono rimasti calmi.
Everyone was smiling.
start learning
Tutti stavano sorridendo.
Everyone's saying it.
start learning
Tutti lo stanno dicendo.
Everything is normal.
start learning
Tutto è normale.
Falling on ice hurts.
start learning
Cadere sul ghiaccio fa male.
Finally, it's Friday.
start learning
Finalmente è venerdì.
Find the differences.
start learning
Trova le differenze.
Fish live in the sea.
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I pesci vivono nel mare.
Flowers attract bees.
start learning
I fiori attraggono le api.
Get Tom on the phone.
start learning
Fai parlare Tom al telefono.
Give me those gloves.
start learning
Dammi quei guanti.
Go back in your room.
start learning
Torna nella tua stanza.
Go back to your seat.
start learning
Torna al tuo posto.
Go clean yourself up.
start learning
Vai a darti una una pulita.
Go fill the ice pack.
start learning
Vai a preparare la borsa.
Go to the barbershop.
start learning
Vai dal barbiere.
God bless America.
start learning
Dio benedica l'America.
Good night, everyone!
start learning
Buona notte a tutti!
Has Tom become crazy?
start learning
Tom è impazzito?
Has Tom been charged?
start learning
Tom è stato accusato?
Has Tom been helpful?
start learning
Tom è stato di aiuto?
Has Tom been injured?
start learning
Tom è stato ferito?
Has Tom been sedated?
start learning
Tom è stato sedato?
Has Tom changed much?
start learning
Tom è cambiato molto?
Has anything changed?
start learning
È cambiato qualcosa?
Has he talked to you?
start learning
Ti ha parlato?
Have a nice day, Tom.
start learning
Passa una buona giornata, Tom.
Have a nice vacation.
start learning
Buone vacanze!
Have you been abroad?
start learning
Sei stato all'estero?
Have you decided yet?
start learning
Hai già deciso?
Have you fed the dog?
start learning
Hai dato da mangiare al cane?
Have you finished it?
start learning
L'hai finito?
Have you lost weight?
start learning
Hai perso peso?
He always works hard.
start learning
Lavora sempre duramente.
He and I are cousins.
start learning
Lui e io siamo cugini.
He arrived too early.
start learning
È arrivato troppo presto.
He asked for my help.
start learning
Ha chiesto il mio aiuto.
He asked me for help.
start learning
Mi ha chiesto aiuto.
He asked me to dance.
start learning
Mi ha chiesto di ballare.
He began to feel ill.
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Ha iniziato a sentirsi malato.
He began with a joke.
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Ha cominciato con una barzelletta.
He broke his promise.
start learning
Ha infranto la sua promessa.
He built a new house.
start learning
Ha costruito una nuova casa.

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