info sec 1 - privacy

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Ways of tracking
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Cookies - stores data locally on user's machine, may contain snsitive info
first party cookies
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current website, saves login and preferences etc, smoother UX
third party cookies
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across domains, ad servers, SM
Ways of tracking
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web bugs - invisibly checks if user viewed some content, more active than cookies and immediately send to ad services
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governs how the user should be notified how identifiable data is used, Governs how companies are allowed to use identifiable data
GDPR purpose
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secure the protection of physical individual's personal data
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collects the data and decide how they'll be used, specify the MEANS and PURPOSE, corporations etc
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acts on the data per the controllers' direction, conduct the PROCESSING, employees, consultants etc.
when does GDPR apply?
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when you offer goods/services for ppl in EU/EEA
personal data
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an information that can identify a person
sensitive data
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race, health info, political opinions etc.

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