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we are staying at beautiful hotel...
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zatrzymujemy się w pięknym hotelu
Tom is living in...
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Tomek mieszka
Are you meeting George...
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Czy spotykasz się z gprge
Jenny used to live with...
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Jenny mieszkała z...
Harrods is the most beautiful...
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Harrods jest najpiękniejszy
Lidka was studying
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Lidka studiowała
It was moving heavily all day
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Cały dzień mocno się poruszał
When Jake's mother came into...
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Kiedy mama Jake'a przyszła...
If you don't hurry up...
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Jeśli się nie pospieszysz
unless you leave now...
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jeśli teraz odejdziesz...
there aren't enough eggs...
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nie ma dość jajek...
There is no one in the room
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Nie ma nikogo w
Robbie and Helen haven't got
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Robbie i Helen nie mają
Jill has been ill since last Tuesday
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Jill jest chora od zeszłego wtoreku
I have been eating too many...
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Zjadłem za dużo...
sue has gone to the dentist
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Sue poszła do dentysty
You aren't allowed to
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Nie wolno ci
he didn't have it to wear...
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nie miał się w co ubrać...
you should eat a lot of
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powinieneś dużo jeść
the new hospital will be opened...
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nowy szpital zostanie otwarty...
china really be seen from space?
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Chiny naprawdę widać z kosmosu?
Amelia had called me before
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Amelia dzwoniła do mnie już wcześniej
I would buy
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help yourself to as many
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pomóż sobie jak najwięcej
concert are not cheap enough for me?
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koncert nie jest dla mnie wystarczająco tani?
tom prefers going traveling
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Tom woli podróżować
national theatre is where they saw Danny
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teatr narodowy to miejsce, w którym widzieli Danny'ego
star wars films was fantastic
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filmy z Gwiezdnych Wojen były fantastyczne
Lily would be the following day
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Lily będzie następnego dnia
he asked me whether I liked
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zapytał mnie, czy mi się podoba
Alex told me not to click
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Alex kazał mi nie klikać
it is such a good
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to takie dobre
you're from Italy aren't you
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jesteś z Włoch, prawda
leaves at
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odjeżdża o
I'm having my lunch
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jem mój launch
could I have
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czy mógłbym prosić o
as expensive as
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tak drogi jak
used to palyed
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dawniej grał
was cooking dinner
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gotowała obiad
were you flying
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czy ty leciałeś
weren't watering
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nie podlewali
wouldn't use
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nie używlbym
going to fall
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won't move
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nie przeprowdze się
a little
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how many
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ile (policzalne)
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have you ever
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Czy kiedykolwiek
has been drinking
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already called you
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już do ciebie dzwoniłem
don't have
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nie musisz
was able to
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byli w stanie
ARE we allowed
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Czy wolno nam
has been created by
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został stworzony przez
must be repaired
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musi zostać naprawiony
made from
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zrobiony z
had booked
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If I were
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Gdybym był
present himself
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przedstawić się
who has
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in packing our
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pakować naszych
to prepare
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where i lived
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gdzie mieszkam
could go together
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mogą pójść razem
one the day
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w dniu
not to touch
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nie dotykać
what na expensive
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co za drogie

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