Fausta 21st Jan (30 min)

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na zdrowie
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bless you
Co mam napisać?
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What shall I write?
Co powinienem zrobić?
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What shall I do?
Co mam zjeść?
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What shall I eat?
skarpetki w paski
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stripy socks
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the United States of America / the USA
O której MUSIMY zacząć?
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What time SHALL we start?
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Shall we start?
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Let's start.
Chodźmy dziś do kina.
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Let's go to THE cinema today.
Chodźmy do kościoła.
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Let's go to church.
iść do teatru
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to go to the theatre
Wczoraj poszedłem na siłownię.
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Yesterday I went to the gym.
W czwartek moja ciocia pojechała do szpitala
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On Thursday my aunt went to hospital.
Chodźmy jutro rano na siłownię.
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Let's go to the gym tomorrow morning.
Idź jutro rano na siłownię.
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Go to the gym tomorrow morning.
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to tidy up / to clean up
Włącz światło
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Switch on the light.
Ona mówi, że jest zmęczona.
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She says she's tired.
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trousers / pants
Miłego weekendu.
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Have a nice weekend.

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