Fausta 21st Aug

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Dawno się nie widzieliśmy.
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Long time no see.
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skakać przez fale
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to jump over waves
Lubiłem skakać przez fale.
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I liked jumping over waves.
Bardzo lubiłem pływać w basenie.
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I really liked swimming in the pool.
Lubisz pływać?
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Do you like swimming?
Czy Twoja córka lubi jeździć na rowerze?
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Does you daughter like riding a bicycle?
Czy jako dziecko lubiłeś jeździć na rowerze?
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When you were a child, did you like riding a bike?
nad morzem
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at the seaside / by the seaside
Spędziliśmy 4 dni nad morzem.
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We spent 4 days at the seaside.
Dotarliśmy tam samochodem.
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We got there by car.
Dotarcie nad morze zajęło nam 4 godziny.
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It took 4 hours to get to the seaside.
Rozmawiałam z moją siostrą.
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I talked to my sister.
Stoję przed naszym hotelem.
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I'm standing in front of our hotel.
Czekam na Ciebie przed naszą szkołą.
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I'm waiting for you in front of our school.
czapka z daszkiem
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a cap
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a backpack / a rucksack
Na drugim zdjęciu stoimy z siostrą w morzu.
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In the second photo my sister and I are standing in the sea.
na plaży
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ON the beach
Jaka była pogoda?
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What was the weather like?
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the last but one
The last but one day was the best.
po południu
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in the afternoon
ulewny deszcz
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a heavy rain
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to bark
Pies mojego sąsiada teraz szczeka.
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My neighbour's dog is barking now.
Cieszę się twoim szczęściem.
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I'm happy for you.
szef kuchni
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a chef
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an answer
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a feather
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an athlete
Jestem lekki jak piórko.
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I'm as light as a feather.
kilka minut
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a few minutes
I'll call you in a few minutes.
trzymywać coś
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to hold sth
Nie mam pojęcia.
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I have no clue.
Czy możesz mi podpowiedzieć?
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Can you give me a hint?
wstrzymać oddech
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to hold a breath
I can hold a breath for two minutes.
apel (w szkole)
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an assembly

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