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a financial failure of a which cannot fully pay its debts
Bottom line
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the company’s total profit or loss
colloquially - the most important fact in a situation
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the crime of giving money or presents to someone to persuade them to do something
Company takeover
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taking control of another company by buying enough of its shares
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illegal or dishonest behavior, especially by people in position of power
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making copies or imitations of something for illegal or dishonest purposes
akt ukrywania prawdy lub wprowadzania w błąd, zwłaszcza w celu uzyskania jakiejś przewagi
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the act of hiding the truth or misleading, especially to get some advantage
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treating someone in a worse way, because of their skin colour, gender, age, etc.
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discovering secret political, military or industrial information
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an opinion/opinions about something
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the crime of getting money by deceiving people
Industrial espionage
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discovering secret industrial information
Insider trading
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the illegal buying/selling of shares of a company by people who have some secret information about it
Job seeker
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a person looking for a job
Money laundering
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moving money obtained illegally through the banking system to hide its true source
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using your influence to get jobs for friends or relatives
Price fixing
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an illegal agreement to sell goods at a particular price to keep prices high
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a situation in which someone loses a job because their employer does not need them any more
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a written presentation of an applicant’s education, skills and experience

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