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jeśli o mnie chodzi
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AFAIC, as far as I'm concerned
AFAIC, tak szybko, jak potrafię
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AFAIC, as fast as I can
ASAP - jak najszybciej
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ASAP, as soon as possible
EOD, koniec dnia
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EOD, end of the day
FAQ, często zadawane pytania
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FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions
FYI, do Twojej wiadomości
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FYI, for your information
HTH, mam nadzieję, że to pomoże
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HTH, hope that help
PFA, w załączeniu
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PFA, please find attached
BTW swoją drogą, przy okazji
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BTW, by the way
RFQ, zapytanie o wycenę
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RFQ, request for quotation
IIRC, jeśli dobrze pamiętam
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IIRC, if I remember correctly
IMHO, moim skromnym zdaniem
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IMHO, in my humble opinion
AFAIK, o ile wiem
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AFAIK, as far as I know
TBH - szczerze mówiąc
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TBH - to be honest

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