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deixar entrar
Não te posso deixar entrar no meu quarto; está desarrumado.
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let in
I can't let you in my room; it's messy there.
dar bom resultado
Os seus esforços para ganhar a corrida não deram bom resultado.
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pan out
His efforts to win the race didn't pan out.
deixar de parte
Ele deixou-me de parte da lista de convidados da festa.
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leave out
He left me out of his party's guest list.
Ela teve de se deitar porque se sentia tonta.
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lie down
She had to lie down because she felt dizzy.
A Sarah soltou o pássaro da gaiola.
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let out
Sarah let the bird out of the cage.
O bully estava a troçar de um rapaz.
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make fun of
The bully was making fun of a boy.
Eu posso compensar pela perda do teu tempo.
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make up for
I can make up for the loss of your time.
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"TOEFL - Verbos frasais"
(total 225 flashcards)

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1 - 2526 - 5051 - 7576 - 100101 - 125151 - 175175 - 200201 - 225

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