1. Homework 1.3 - 1.4

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twice a day
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dwa razy dziennie
once a year
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raz w roku
on Thursday evening
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w czwartkowy wieczór
On Wednesday morning
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W środę rano
on Saturday afternoon
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w sobotnie popołudnie
in April
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w kwietniu
tomorrow evening
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jutrzejszy wieczór
yesterday morning
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wczoraj rano
a year ago
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rok temu
last month/ week
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ostatni miesiąc / tydzień
Henry is an intelligent businessman.
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Henry to inteligentny biznesmen.
Jessica's brother is an optimistic policeman.
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Brat Jessiki jest optymistycznym policjantem.
Give me the books, Jimmy.
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Daj mi książki, Jimmy.
Benny, turn off the light.
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Benny, wyłącz światło.
Is there a DVD player in the living room?
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Czy w salonie jest odtwarzacz DVD?
Has she got a digital camera?
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Czy ma aparat cyfrowy?
Give me the hair brush and close the window.
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Daj mi szczotkę do włosów i zamknij okno.
Where are the keys?
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Gdzie są klucze?
Does she work in a hospital?
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Czy ona pracuje w szpitalu?
Does she live in a block of flats?
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Czy mieszka w bloku?
Jimmy goes to school and his sister goes to college.
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Jimmy chodzi do szkoły, a jego siostra na studia.
He works in a factory and his wife works at home.
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Pracuje w fabryce, a jego żona pracuje w domu.
He hasn't got a job. He is an unemployed.
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Nie ma pracy. Jest bezrobotny.
Is Bill an astronaut?
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Czy Bill jest astronautą?
What time does the supermarket open on Saturdays?
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O której godzinie supermarket jest otwarty w soboty?
The shop closes at five thirty
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Sklep jest zamykany o piątej trzydzieści
Does the store open twenty-four hours a day?
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Czy sklep jest otwarty 24 godziny na dobę?
I'm looking for King Street.
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Szukam King Street.
Can you give me directions to East Street?
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Czy możesz podać mi wskazówki dojazdu do East Street?
Go across the road and go past the bank.
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Przejdź przez ulicę i miń bank.
It's the second street on the right.
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To druga ulica po prawej stronie.
He lives at number 23.
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Mieszka pod numerem 23.
His flat is on the seventh floor.
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Jego mieszkanie znajduje się na siódmym piętrze.
Does he have breakfast in the morning?
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Czy on je śniadanie rano?
He has a shower at nine o'clock. Then he goes to work.
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O dziewiątej bierze prysznic. Potem idzie do pracy.

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