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spotkajmy sie o 8smej w pubie.
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Let's meet at 8pm in the pub.
widzialam ja w poniedzialek
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I saw her on Monday
nie zbyt dobrze wiele problemów
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I am not so well, so many problems
a co tam U Ciebie?
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how about you
co ostatnio porabiales
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what have you been up to?
byłem bardzo zajęty, mam od groma obowiazkow
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I've been very busy, I've got lot's of duties
jak sie poznaliscie
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how do you know each other?
pracowalismy razem przez 5 lat
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we used to work together for 5 years
poznalismy sie przez przyjaciół
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we met through friends
jak najszybciej
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as soon as possible
uspokoj sie, nie denerwuj się
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calm down, don't be so nervous
prosze, mozesz to wziąść
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go ahead, you can take it
czy masz dlugopis, który moglbym pożyczyć
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have you got a pen, I could borrow
wszystko jedno, rob co chcesz
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I don't mind, I don't care, do what you want
obawiam sie, ze nie mogę tego zrobic
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I'm afraid I can't do it
moim zdaniem jestes bardzo przystojny
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in my opinion you are very handsome
to zalezy od Ciebie, jaka jest twoja decyzja
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it's up to you what's your decision?
daj mi znac czy kupujesz nowy motocykl
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let me know if you buyi a new motorcycle
zartuje. mie bądź taki powazny
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I'm just kidding. Don't be so serious
czy moge prosic o dodatkowy koc?
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Could I have an extra blanket?
czy moze pan zmienic posciel?
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can you please change the sheets?
chciałbym zaplacic. rachunek
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I would like to pay my bill, please
moj pobyt byl bardzo udany
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I've really enjoyed my stay
gdzie mozemy zostawic bagaz?
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where can we leave our luggage?

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