Zakupy, opis co robisz

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zapakuj towar do bagażnika
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pack the goods into the boot
czekaj w kolejce
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wait in the queue
zostaw samochód na parkingu
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leave your car in the car park
zapłać za towar gotówką
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pay for your goods in cash
pchnij wózek do swojego samochodu
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push the trolley to your car
wejść do supermarketu
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enter the supermarket
iść wzdłuż korytarza (pomiędzy regałami)
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walk along the aisle (ail)
włóż towar do wózka
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put the goods into your trolley
idź do kasy
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go to the checkout counter
weź paragon i resztę
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take your receipt and your change
weź wózek
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take a trolley
umieść swoje towary na taśmie
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put your goods on the conveyor belt
pojechać do supermarketu
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drive to the supermarket

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