work and employment 2

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przejść na wczesną emeryturę
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to take early retirement
być przeniesionym
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to be on secondment, temporary secondment
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relocation of companies
kompetencje miękkie (do wykorzystania w następnej pracy)
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transferable skills
aktualizować umiejętności
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update one's skills
szklany sufit (sytuacja, w której kobieta nie może osiągnąć wysokiego stanowiska
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glass ceiling
możliwość awansu
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opportunity for advancement
kultura organizacyjna (system wartości uznawany przez większość pracowników firmy)
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organizational/corporate culture
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red tape, Reducing taxes and red tape would help to create new companies.
rozwój osobisty
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personal development
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training, Have you had any training at all?
rotacja kadry
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staff turnover
rozmawiać o sprawach służbowych
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talk shop, So obviously, I'm not here to... talk shop.
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allowance, benefit, He got his monthly allowance for his business today
ruchomy czas pracy
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work flexi-time, to be on flexi time
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pecking order, No, because you're a five-year-old girl And there's a pecking order.
kolega z pracy
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a workmate
podział etatu
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duże obciążenie pracą
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heavy workload, Due to the heavy workload in the mental sphere
monotonny, żmudny (o zajęciu)
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monotonous job, repetitive tasks
zmianna dzienna/nocna
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day/night shift
kończyć pracę
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knock off, I'm knocking off in two hours, then we can go on a date.
tkwić za biurkiem
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be stuck behind the desk, I want to be in the middle of the action, not stuck behind a desk as an administrato
praca bez perspektyw
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a dead-end job, Can you believe he kept doing this dead-end job?
pakiet świadczeń dodatkowych
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benefits package
dodatek jedzeniowy, paliwowy
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food, fuel allowance
dodatek na zagospodarowanie się
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relocation allowance
system emerytalny przedsiębiorstwa
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company pension scheme
renta państwowa
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government pension
prywatna emerytura
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private pension
koszty podróży
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travel expenses
przysługujący urlop
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holiday entitlement
dostarczanie pełnej opieki zdrowotnej
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comprehensive healthcare provision
dofinansowana stołówka
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subsidized canteen
system premii
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bonus scheme
premia za wyniki
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performance-related bonus
spokojna, regularna praca
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quiet, regular work
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Profession (work requiring advanced education
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Vocation, My son became a priest because he had the vocation.
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Employment (state of being employed)
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Job (specific position or work)
męczy się
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Toil, I toil every day so you could have a good life.
Pracuje ciężko
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Labour, Physical labour from childhood develops a huge strength.
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Staff (employees of an organization
związek zawodowy
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Union (organization for workers' rights)
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Board, The board has to make this decision - it's not our business.
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Raise, The boss gave him a raise.
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Grant (money given for a purpose)
wolne stanowiska
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Vacancies, Let us know if there is any vacancy in your lab.
oferty pracy, posada, stanowisko
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Appointments, appointment, He was given a temporary appointment as a business consultant
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Removed (taken out of a position)
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Dismissed (terminated from a job)
usunięty z urzędu
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Deposed (removed from power)
pozbyć się
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eliminate, work off, I worked that ugly table off.
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fit into, work into, You do not fit into this team.
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overcome, get around
podnieść komuś emocje, zdenerwować
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work oneself up, cause to be upset
dotrzymać terminu
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meet a deadline, A system that can even help meet a deadline.
atrakcyjne prace i prace bez perspektyw
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glamorous and dead-end jobs
popaść w rutynę
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be stuck in a rut, Dave is stuck in a rut and has to decide what to do with his life.
utknąć za biurkiem
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stuck behind the desk
pracownik zdalny
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pracuje jako wolny strzelec
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freelance/works freelance
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duże obciążenie pracą
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heavy workload
zaznaczyć przyjście i wyjście z pracy
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to clock in and clock out
atrakcyjna praca od dziewiątej do piątej
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glamorous nine to five job
praca zmianowa/jest pracownikiem zmianowym
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shift work/is a shift worker
stałe godziny pracy
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fixed hours
pracuje na elastycznych godzinach pracy/jest na elastycznych godzinach pracy
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works flexi time/is on flexi time
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mistrz w
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the whizz at - master at
składać podanie o pracę
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to apply for a job - apply for a job
niesprawiedliwe zwolnienie
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unfair dismissal - unfair dismissal
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the perfectionist - a perfectionist
dostać pracę
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to land a job - get a job
praca biurowa
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desk job - office work
przesuwacz papierów
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the paper-shuffler - paper shuffler
pracować w nadgodzinach
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to do/work overtime - to work overtime
praca na pełny/częściowy etat
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full/part-time job - full-time/part-time job
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the gossip - the gossip
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave - maternity leave
stała praca
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permanent job, What's your permanent address?
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the stirrer
być na zwolnieniu lekarskim
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to be away on sick leave - to be on sick leave
związek zawodowy
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trade union
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the workaholic
zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
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unemployment benefit - unemployment benefit
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incentives - incentives
gnębiciel, srogi szef
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the slave driver
wykonywać obowiązki
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to perform one's duties
potakiwacz, marionetka
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the yes-man - yes man
zostać zwolnionym (w ramach redukcji etatu)
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to be make redundant
być przepracowanym
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to be overworked - to be overworked
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duty - duty
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raise - a raise
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employment - employment
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vocation - calling
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grant - subsidy.
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ława sędziego
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prospects, Is there any prospect of the situation improving?
strajkować przez powolną pracę, strajk włoski
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work to rule
pójść na demonstrację
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(go on the picket line)
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expelled, The student was expelled from school.
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(laid off)
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świadczenia dodatkowe
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(perks, His perks included a company car and free private health care.
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godzinówki, dniówki, tygodniówki (wypłacane za pracę wykonaną w określonym czasi
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mistrz i praktykant
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master and apprentice, I am but an apprentice and he is the greatest painter in the world
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siedziba główna
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(head office)
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(department), She is the head of the HR department.
sala posiedzeń
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pracować w nadgodzinach
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overtime, He could buy a house with his overtime only
elastyczny czas pracy
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flexi time
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applications, Send us your application before 20th of June.

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