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I can't reveal my intentions towards you
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I hope Dennis never gets involved in this drama again
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I know I can unravel their mystery
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użyte jako zapowiedzieć ale głównie ogłaszac You could always announce yourself, General
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Overall I think I'm really handsome but there are a few things about me I could improve
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Fear is the mind killer. When the fear is gone, only I will remain
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after 5 minutes i am completely exhausted. Everybody's exhausted, including yourself
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that's an unusual request Mark
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Zwykle nienawidzę robić rzeczy więcej niż raz, zwłaszcza gdy to jest bezcelowe... ale w tym przypadku nie widzę innej opcji Usually I hate doing things more than once, especially when it's pointless ... but in this case, I don't see any other option
być otwartym (na różne rozwiązania itp.) start learning
Come on, just keep an open mind As I mentioned earlier, communication is an important aspect in a relationship, so it is best to also keep an open mind to what your partner wants you to know and understand
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próbuję to zrozumieć I'm trying to make sense of it
właśnie mieć/zamierzać coś zrobić start learning
właśnie miałem zamiar wyruszyć z powrotem na komisariat I'm just about to set off back to the Police station
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When you remove your hand from the box, you will die
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nie ma łatwego rozwiązania tego problemu there is no easy solution to this problem
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i dont think that question is relevant. I would ssy even more that is irrevelent
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i think you have chosen the right person to lead the expedition
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The rules require that you bring only one guest to the dinner
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po prostu podziwiam twoje piękno w tej chwili I am just admiring your beauty right now
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i absolutely adore chocolate, especially licking it off your naked body
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polegam na tobie że przyniesiesz mi trochę whisky I rely on you to bring me some whisky
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kontynuuj może się czegoś nauczę keep going, I might learn something
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if the chair is too high you can adjust it to you
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1. she is slightly taller than her sister. 2. I am slightly worried about my future