Will Smith - Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

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To have a drink with someone.
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Tomar uma bebida com alguém.
I have drinks with my workmates every Friday.
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Bebo com meus colegas de trabalho todas as sextas-feiras.
I had a drink with my friends last Saturday.
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Eu bebi com meus amigos no último sábado.
I'm having a drink with my classmates tonight.
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Eu vou tomar uma bebida com meus colegas de aula hoje à noite.
We're having some drinks before dinner.
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Nós vamos beber algo antes da janta.
To say something.
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Dizer algo.
Please say something!
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Por favor, diga alguma coisa!
Peter said he is coming for dinner.
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Peter disse que está vindo para o jantar.
She said that she doesn't want to have drinks with me.
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Ela disse que não quer beber comigo.
We usually have drinks with friends to celebrate our birthday
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Nós geralmente bebemos com amigos para comemorar nosso aniversário.
We should.
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You should take the bus to go to school.
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Você deveria pegar ônibus para ir à escola.
I should see a doctor.
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Eu deveria consultar um médico.
You should be proud of yourself.
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Você deveria se orgulhar de si mesmo.
This computer isn't working as it should.
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Este computador não está funcionando como deveria.
You shouldn't eat so much sugar.
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Você não deveria comer tanto açúcar.
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salto em queda livre, paraquedismo.
You shouldn't go skidiving since it's really dangerous.
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Você não deveria saltar de paraquedas uma vez que é muito perigoso.
We'll go fishing next Saturday
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Iremos pescar no próximo sábado
She'll go swimming this morning.
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Ela vai nadar esta manhã.
They go skiing in Bariloche every year.
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Eles vão esquiar em Bariloche todos os anos.
We love cycling!
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Nós adoramos andar de bicicleta!
Yeah, right!
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Certo! Sim, sei!
Anyway, we're just good friends". Yeah, right!
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De qualquer forma, somos apenas bons amigos. "Sim, certo!
To be lying in your bed.
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Estar deitado na sua cama.
My cat is lying in my bed.
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Meu gato está deitado na minha cama.
I'm lying in my bed, dreaming of my holidays.
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Estou deitado na minha cama sonhando com minhas férias.
To keep.
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Manter, continuar, conservar.
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Passado de keep: Mantive, manteve, mantivemos, mantiveram.
Keep calm and keep walking.
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Mantenha a calma e continue caminhando
I kept positive despite the difficulties.
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Fiquei positivo apesar das dificuldades.
To be terrified.
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Estar aterrorizado.
I am terrified of spiders.
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Tenho horror a aranhas.
Babies are terrified of the dark.
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Bebês são aterrorizados com o escuro.
Over and over again.
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I practice the movements over and over again until they are perfect.
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Eu pratico os movimentos repetidamente até eles serem perfeitos.
Figure out, to understand or solve something.
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Decifrar, entender, resolver algo.
If you can´t solve a problem ask an expert to help you figure it out.
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Se você não consegue resolver o problema, peça para um especialista te ajudar a achar a solução.
To wake up the next day.
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Acordar no dia seguinte.
You go to bed late and wake up feeling tired the next day.
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Você vai dormir tarde e acorda cansado no dia seguinte.
Where are you?
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Onde está você?
I am where I said I would be.
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Estou onde eu disse que estaria.
We were going to meet outside the bar.
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Nós nos encontraríamos fora do bar.
Everybody is there, waiting for you.
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Todo mundo está lá, esperando por você.
To get in the van.
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Entrar na van.
Seat belt.
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Cinto de segurança.
Get in the van and put the seat belt on.
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Entre na van e coloque o cinto de segurança.
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Stomach. in English
To have a stomachache.
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Ter dor de estômago.
They are so nervous that they have a terrible stomachache.
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Eles estão tão nervosos que têm uma dor de estômago terrível.
Despite the stomachache they are having drinks tonight.
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Apesar da dor no estômago, eles vão beber hoje à noite.
You can't do something.
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Você não pode, não consegue fazer algo.
I can't eat when I'm nervous.
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Não consigo comer quando estou nervoso.
She can't sleep if she eats too much.
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Ela não consegue dormir se comer demais.
Children can't play outside if it's too cold.
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As crianças não podem brincar lá fora, se estiver muito frio.
You don't want to be the only one.
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Você não quer ser o único.
She doesn’t want to be the only teacher.
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Ela não quer ser a única professora.
To jump out of the airplane.
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Pular do avião.
Soldiers training involves jumping out of airplanes.
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Treinamento de soldados envolve saltar de aviões.
To go up.
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Subir, aumentar.
Inflation is going up fast this year.
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A inflação está aumentando rapidamente este ano.
Prices go up everyday in Brazil.
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Os preços aumentam todos os dias no Brasil.
To realize.
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Do you realize the power of this moment?
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Você percebe o poder desse momento?
Does she realize the importance of this message?
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Ela percebe a importância desta mensagem?
You've never been.
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Você nunca esteve.
You've never been in an airplane.
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Você nunca esteve em um avião.
We've never been in the countryside.
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Nunca estivemos no campo.
They say.
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Eles dizem.
They say Brazil is a dangerous country.
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Eles dizem que o Brasil é um país perigoso.
To push someone.
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Empurrar alguém.
To grab.
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Pegar, agarrar.
To fall out of the airplane.
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Cair do avião.
The most blissful experience of my life.
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A experiência mais maravilhosa da minha vida.
Travelling has been the most blissful experience of my life.
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Viajar tem sido a experiência mais maravilhosa da minha vida.
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To feel fear.
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Para sentir medo.
To be afraid.
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Estar com medo.
Feel the fear but do it anyway.
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Sinta o medo, mas faça assim mesmo.
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Felicidade, maravilha.
Sleeping late in the winter is bliss.
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Dormir até tarde no inverno é felicidade.
To be scared.
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Ter medo.
I was scared of the dark when I was little.
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Eu tinha medo do escuro quando eu era pequeno.
The night before.
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Na noite anterior.
I bought the tickets the night before the concert.
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Comprei os ingressos na noite anterior ao concerto.
What do you need it for?
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Para que você precisa disto?
What do you need these bags for?
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Para que você precisa dessas bolsas?
Up to now.
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Até agora.
No news up to now.
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Nenhuma novidade até agora.
There's no reason.
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Não há motivo.
There's no reason to be worried.
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Não há motivo para estar preocupado.
There's no reason to be scared.
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Não há motivo para estar assustado.
The best things in life.
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As melhores coisas da vida.
The best things in life are the most simple.
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As melhores coisas da vida são as mais simples.
The other side.
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Do outro lado.
To have great views, you have to go to the other side.
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Para ter excelentes vistas, você tem que ir para o outro lado.
Family and relationships are the best things in life.
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Família e relacionamentos são as melhores coisas da vida.

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