Vocabulary Booster - Lesson

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I will call you as soon as I get home
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Liguei para você assim que chegar em casa
He will finish the work as soon as possible.
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Ele terminará o trabalho o mais rápido possível.
As soon as the sun goes down, the temperature drops dramatically
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Assim que o sol cair, a temperatura cai drasticamente
I lie on the sofa
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Eu deito no sofá
I am lying on the sofa
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Estou deitada no sofá
I lay on the sofa yesterday
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Eu deitei no sofá ontem
I love to lie on the sofa and watch TV
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Eu amo mentir no sofá e assistir TV
I was lying in bed
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Estava deitada na cama
I lay in bed last night
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Deitei na cama na noite passada
The doctor asked him to lie on the table.
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O médico pediu-lhe que se deitasse sobre a mesa.
The dog broke its leg.
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O cão quebrou a perna.
Each region has its own customs
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Cada região tem seus próprios costumes
The baby threw its food on the floor
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O bebê jogou a comida no chão
Where's your car? It's in the garage
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Onde está seu carro? Está na garagem
He saw the car and immediately wanted to buy it.
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Ele viu o carro e imediatamente quis comprar.
I caught the ball and threw it back.
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Peguei a bola e joguei de volta.
You look like my cousin.
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Você parece com meu primo.
She looks like her mother
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ela se parece com a mãe
It looks like they'll invite us to dinner.
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Parece que eles vão nos convidar para jantar.
It looks like...
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Parece que...
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Eles vão
The bed took up half of the room
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A cama ocupou metade da sala
The extra duties took up most of my time
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Os deveres extras ocuparam a maior parte do meu tempo
I’ll try not to take up too much of your time
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Vou tentar não ocupar muito do seu tempo
He spent the whole day walking.
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Ele passou o dia inteiro caminhando.
The whole town was destroyed by the earthquake
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Toda a cidade foi destruída pelo terremoto
The whole process will take months
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Todo o processo levará meses
The baby seems to be happy.
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O bebê parece ser feliz.
He seemed to be tired.
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Ele parecia estar cansado.
She’s16, but she seems to be younger
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Ela tem 16 anos, mas parece ser mais nova
As he gained confidence in his abilities...
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Conforme confiança em suas habilidades...
As she gained experience, she received more job offers.
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Conforme ela ganhava experiência, ela recebeu mais ofertas de emprego.
I could not help thinking...
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Não pude deixar de pensar...
She could not help laughing...
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Ela não podia deixar de rir...
He could not help beginning...
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Ele não pôde evitar o começo...
You must follow the rules...
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Você deve seguir as regras...
I must go to the bank...
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Eu devo ir ao banco...
We must correct these problems...
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Devemos corrigir esses problemas...
He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentrate
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Ele estava se sentido mal. Ele foi para o trabalho, no entanto, e tentou se concentrar.
We had a small drop in sales last month. However, we are still above the plan.
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Tivemos uma pequena queda nas vendas no mês passado. No entanto, ainda estamos acima do plano.
We invited 100 customers to the presentation. However, only 50 came.
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Convidamos 100 clientes para a apresentação. No entanto, apenas 50 vieram.
They decided to put aside their differences.
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Eles decidiram deixar de lado suas diferenças.
Let's put aside our differences and enjoy the evening.
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Vamos deixar de lado nossas diferenças e aproveitar a noite.
I put the magazine aside and began reading a book.
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Eu deixei a revista de lado e comecei a ler um livro.
Go forward with faith.
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Siga em frente com fé.
I went forward with faith.
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Eu segui em frente com fé.
He stood up and went forward.
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Ele levantou/ficou de pé e seguiu em frente.
John's house.
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A casa de John.
Brazil's economy.
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Economia do Brasil.
Yesterday’s weather
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O clima de ontem
Without even thinking about it.
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Sem sequer pensar nisso.
Without even saying why.
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Mesmo sem dizer o porquê.
Without even knowing the way.
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Sem sequer conhecer o caminho.
Bad weather forced them to turn back.
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O mau tempo obrigou-os a voltar.
We turned back at the last minute.
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Voltamos no último minuto.
On turning back I saw him.
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Ao voltar atrás, eu o vi.
She is a really nice person.
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Ela é uma pessoa muito legal.
The dog runs really fast.
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O cachorro corre muito rápido.
The water is really cold.
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A água é muito fria.
I entirely agree with you.
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Eu concordo totalmente com você.
I'm not entirely happy about the proposal.
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Eu não estou totalmente feliz/contente sobre a proposta.
I'm not entirely sure.
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Eu não tenho certeza absoluta.
Who are you?
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Quem é Você?
Who is that woman?
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Quem é essa mulher?
The man who sold the world.
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O homem que vendeu o mundo.
The people who called yesterday want to buy the house.
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As pessoas que ligaram ontem querem comprar a casa.
Pattern of growth.
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Padrão de crescimento.
Pattern of behaviour.
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Padrão de comportamento.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
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Estou vendo um padrão aqui.
A fabric patterned with small squares.
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Um tecido padronizado com pequenos quadrados.
Buy patterned cushions online now!
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Compre almofadas padronizadas online agora!
When I saw him I recognised him at once.
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Quando o vi, reconheci-o imediatamente.
Tell the doctor to come at once. She is having a baby.
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Fale para o médico vir imediatamente. Ela está tendo um bêbe.
I can't do two things at once.
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Eu não consigo fazer duas coisas ao mesmo tempo.
Computers can do many things at once
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Os computadores podem fazer muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo
I was wondering about changing the color...
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Eu estava pensando sobre mudar a cor...
I was wondering about your opinions...
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Eu estava pensando sobre suas opiniões...
I wonder what he is doing here.
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Eu penso/imagino o que ele está fazendo aqui.
All I know.
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Tudo o que eu sei.
I know a lot about him.
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Eu sei muito sobre ele.
There is milk in the fridge.
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Há leite na geladeira.
There is a good song on the radio.
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Há uma boa música no rádio.
There is a bird on my window.
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Há um pássaro na minha janela.
She came here yesterday.
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Ela veio aqui ontem.
I came home late last night.
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Cheguei em casa tarde na noite passada.
He came back after a year.
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Ele voltou depois de um ano.
I go out a lot.
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Eu sai muito.
Let's go out to eat tonight.
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Vamos sair para comer esta noite.
He went out at 7:00.
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Ele saiu às 7:00.
I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me.
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Eu sou um sucesso hoje porque eu tive um amigo que acreditou em mim.
... because she had to go to work.
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... porque ela tinha que ir trabalhar.
... because he had a lot of money.
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... porque ele tinha muito dinheiro.
I could not see anything.
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Eu não conseguia ver nada.
He could not sleep.
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Ele não conseguia dormir.
They could not read or write.
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Eles não conseguiram ler ou escrever.
The dog picked up the bone.
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O cão pegou o osso.
Can you pick up that book?
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Você consegue pegar esse livro?
I have to pick up my kids at school.
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Eu tenho que pegar meus filhos na escola.
I took the pen and signed my name.
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Peguei a caneta e assinei meu nome.
Take this note to your teacher, please.
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Leve essa nota ao seu professor, por favor.
Don't forget to take your umbrella.
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Não se esqueça de levar seu guarda-chuva.
The room, which was on the second floor, was clean and fresh.
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O quarto, o qual era (ficava) no segundo andar, era limpo e fresco.
Remember that case from 1957 which was miraculously solved five years ago?
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Lembra daquele caso de 1957, o qual foi milagrosamente resolvido cinco anos atrás?
Which was the smartest dinosaur?
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Qual foi o dinossauro mais inteligente?
My right arm is much stronger than my left.
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Meu braço direito é muito mais forte do que a minha esquerda.
I'm much better than before.
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Eu sou muito melhor do que antes.
He was much bigger than I thought.
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Ele era muito maior do que eu pensava.
He started out as a salesman.
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Ele começou como vendedor.
The owner started out working in the kitchen.
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O proprietário começou a trabalhar na cozinha.
Some businesses start out as hobbies.
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Algumas empresas começam como passatempos.

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