UTA 22.09

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to cure
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sore throat
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ból gardła
caused by
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spowodowane przez
Everything was OK. / Everything went well.
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Wszystko poszło dobrze.
it showed
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to pokazało
I was afraid
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obawiałam się
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agenda / schedule
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to take part
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wziąć udział
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to process
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“procesować”, przetwarzać
I have been working here for many years.
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Pracuję tu od wielu lat.
I have been working here since 2000.
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Pracuję tu od 2000 roku.
We have been studying since 7:30.
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Uczymy się od 7:30.
I have been working since 7:45 today.
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Pracuję od 7:45 dzisiaj.
You have been working on it for a week.
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Pracowałeś nad tym od tygodnia.
She has been doing homework for 1 hour.
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Odrabia pracę domową od 1 godziny.
The client has been waiting for the answer since 1 May.
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Klient czeka na odpowiedź od 1 maja.
The client has been waiting for the answer for several / a few months.
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Klient czekał na odpowiedź kilka/kilka miesięcy.
We have been waiting for solving the problem.
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Czekaliśmy na rozwiązanie problemu.
I have been waiting for the answer for a claim since June.
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Od czerwca czekam na odpowiedź na reklamację.
It takes too much time.
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To zajmuje za dużo czasu.
tidy up
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sprzątać (np pokoj)
to sort out
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to review the wardrobe
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zrobić przeglad szafy

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