Useful questions

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Co robisz po lekcji?
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What are you doing after the lesson?
Czy masz czas w piątek wieczorem?
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Do you have time on a Friday night?
Może pójdziemy do kina?
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Shall we go to the cinema?
Masz ochotę na kawę?
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Do you fancy some coffee?
O której zaczynasz pracę?
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What time do you start work?
O której kończysz pracę?
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What time do you finish the job?
O której masz przerwę?
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What time do you have a break?
Czym jedziesz do Warszawy?
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How (by what) are you going to Warsaw?
Czego nie lubisz pić?
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What do you not like to drink?
Czego nie lubisz pić?
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What do you not like to drink?
Jakie masz plany na weekend?
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What are your plans for the weekend?
Gdzie się spotkamy?
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Where will we meet?
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