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start learning
nie lubię
start learning
don't like
start learning
to hate
start learning
to love
nie znosić
start learning
can't stand
Monika nie znosi gier komputerowych
start learning
Monika can't stand computer games
Daria nie lubi kotów
start learning
Daria doesn't like cats
My lubimy pływanie
start learning
We like swimming
Jaki przedmiot szkolny lubisz?
start learning
What school subject do you like?
On lubi angielski
start learning
He likes English
ona nienawidzi matematyki
start learning
she hates math
On kocha jeżdżenie na koniach
start learning
He loves riding horses
co lubi robić twoja siostra
start learning
what does your sister like doing?
Co lubi twoja rodzina
start learning
What does your family like

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