Unit 9: Look After Yourself

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baked potatoes
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ziemniaki pieczone
steamed (vegetables)
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gotowane na parze (warzywa)
stuffed olives
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nadziewane oliwki
scrambled eggs
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grilled sausage
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kiełbasa z grilla
grilled cheese sandwich
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zapiekanka z serem
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smarować, pasta do smarowania
filled with meat, stuffed with cheese
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faszerowane mięsem, nadziewane serem
wrapped in
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zawinięte w
raw beef, raw vegetables
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surowa wołowina, surowe warzywa
soft-boiled eggs / hard-boiled eggs
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jajka na miękko / na twardo
I booked us a table
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Zarezerwowałam nam stolik
causes of obesity
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przyczyny otyłości
undercooked food
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niedogotowane jedzenie
school canteen
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stołówka szkolna
junk food stalls
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stoiska/budki ze śmieciowym jedzeniem
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rolls and buns
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spicy, hot
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ostre, pikantne
savoury products
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jedzenie na słono
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sour cream
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kwaśna śmietana
because of bad fat
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z powodu złego tłuszczu
heart disease / heart attack
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choroby serca / zawał
high blood pressure
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change of behaviour
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zmiana zachowania, zwyczajów
ban on junk food in schools
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zakaz śmieciowego jedzenia w szkołach
lives will be saved
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życie zostanie ocalone
replaced with healthier oils
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zastąpione zdrowszymi olejami
deaths dropped
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śmiertelność spadła
she dropped dead
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padła trupem
to have new trousers altered
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oddac nowe spodnie do poprawki krawieckiej
decorate a room
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urządzić pokój
deliver a pizza
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dostarczyć pizzę
have your nails done
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zrobić manikiur
have your hair dyed
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mieć położoną farbę na włosy
have your eyes tested
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mieć badanie wzroku
have your ears pierced
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przekłuć sobie uszy
have your teeth straightened / whitened
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prostować / wybielić sobie zęby
have a picture framed
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dac obraz do oprawy
have your car repaired
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oddać samochód do naprawy
have heating installed
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mieć zainstalowane ogrzewanie

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