unit 7 4

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foot the bill
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zaplacic niezaleznosc, pon8esc koszty
loose change
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drobne (pieniadze)
pay upfront
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zapłacić z góry
put down a deposit on sth
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wpłacić zaliczke na coś
put sth on sb's tab/account/room
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dopisac cos do czyjegos rachunku
reach your credit limit
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calkowicie wykorzystac limit na karcie kredytowej
settle up
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uregulowac rachunek
be broke/out of pocket
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być spłukanym
be comfortably off
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być dobrze sytuowanym
be made of money
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spac na pieniadzach
be strapped for cash/short of money
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miec malo pieniedzy
be/live o. the breadline
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być/żyć na granicy ubóstwa
come into money
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otrzymac spadek
fiddle your taxes
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unikac placenia podatkow
fluctuating income
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zmienny dochód
have no money to burn
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miec forsy jak lodu (do spalenia)
make ends meet
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związać koniec z końcem
put aside/save money for a rainy day
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odłożyć/zaoszczędzić pieniądze na czarną godzinę
run up debts
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popasc w długi
spend mowny like water
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szastac pieniedzmi

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