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Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience. start learning
Jakiś pies śpi na podłodze.
The surrealism of the scene was too much for her. start learning
The portions in this restaurant are quite sizeable. start learning
The new edition of the dictionary will incorporate a great deal of contemporary idioms. start learning
start learning
The bread dough will rise through the incorporation of air. start learning
przyłączenie, włączenie, wcielenie, zrzeszenie, zjednoczenie, inkorporacja
There is a distinct difference between contemporary and classical music. start learning
His every word could be heard quite distinctly. start learning
wyraźnie, dokładnie, zdecydowanie, ogromnie, bardzo
2008, the year in which this economic and financial crisis started, was very distinctive. start learning
charakterystyczny, szczególny Rok 2008, w którym rozpoczął się kryzys gospodarczy i finansowy, był bardzo szczególny.
I enjoyed all aspects of the performing arts festival apart from the stand-up comedy which I found slightly vulgar. start learning
występ komediowy jednego artysty
I was spellbound by the performance of the actor who played Hamlet. start learning
The jury decided unanimously to sentence the killer to die. The board members voted unanimously for the president’s proposals. start learning
Ława przysięgłych jednogłośnie zadecydowała o skazaniu zabójcy na śmierć.
The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation. start learning
No one has ever suggested that there is unanimity in the party on all issues. start learning
jednomyślność, jednogłośność
His ideas were condemned by the members of the committee. start learning
The shooting of the police officer has received universal condemnation. start learning
John plays the violin in a chamber orchestra. start learning
I'm calling to confirm the meeting. The spokesman confirmed that the terrorists had been arrested. start learning
Dzwonię aby potwierdzić spotkanie.
start learning
potwierdzony, nałogowy, notoryczny (np. alkoholik, kłamca, palacz)
Could you send me the confirmation? start learning
Czy może mi pan przesłać potwierdzenie?