Unit 12 glossary

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to attract or interest sb
przemawiać do kogoś / podobać się komuś
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appeal to
The design has to appeal to people of all ages.
wanting very much to achieve success in your career or to improve your social status and standard of living
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The advertising was clearly aimed at aspirational consumers.
speaking in a direct and clear way about sth unpleasant
1. brutalnie 2. nie owijając w bawełnę
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I have to be brutally honest with you: I don’t think it works.
to accept and believe that an idea or plan is good
dać się przekonać do czegoś
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buy into
The whole team had completely bought into the changes.
products or parts of a business that always make a profit and that provide money for the rest of the business
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cash cows
Licensing software has always been a cash cow for us.
attracting attention; being noticed
zwracający na siebie uwagę, rzucający się w oczy
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I’m definitely not a conspicuous consumer – I always buy the cheapest brands.
a description of the type of person who buys or is likely to buy a product or service
profil konsumenta
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consumer profile
We have done some research in order to build up a consumer profile.
to be a characteristic that makes two things different
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What distinguishes this brand from other similar brands?
treating sb unfairly in order to gain an advantage or to make money
eksploatacyjny, wyzyskujący, wykorzystujący
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Expecting staff to work weekends for no extra pay is just exploitative.
using words with a meaning that is not the literal (usual, basic) meaning, in order to create a particular mental picture
w przenośni
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She was, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head.
to create or produce a desire or need for sth
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generate a demand for
The ad campaign has generated a lot of demand for our new product.
a person who is an expert on a particular subject and advises others
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He’s a well-known management guru.
to hope or try to get sth
domagać się, żądać czegoś
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hold out for
She hasn’t agreed to the deal yet because she is holding out for a pay rise.
being discussed, planned, or prepared
1. szykować się (np. zmiany) 2. być w przygotowaniu (np. produkt)
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in the pipeline
Plans are in the pipeline for a move to new offices.
using words with their most usual, basic meaning so that you mean exactly what you say
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Sales have literally doubled.
to do as well as or be as good as sth
żyć zgodnie z czymś, spełniać oczekiwania
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live up to
He has lived up to his image as one of the world’s most successful men.
the policy of trying to gain a larger share of a market, for example by changing the price of a product or advertising more, rather than changing the product itself
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market penetration
We are pricing the product for market penetration.
caring more about money and possessions than anything else
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Young people today are so materialistic.
making people feel that they want to do sth, especially sth that involves hard work and effort
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Ana is a fantastic motivational speaker.
feel confused, upset, or worried, so that you do not know what to do
zmieszany, zbity z tropu, speszony
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be phased by
She didn’t seem to be at all phased by his criticisms.
to notice sth so you can react to it
zauważyć coś, zwrócić na coś uwagę
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pick up on
Didn’t you pick up on the angry tone of his email?
to take advantage of sb’s feelings
wykorzystywać coś, grać na czymś (np. na uczuciach)
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play on
Advertising often plays on people’s fears.
to help to develop and encourage the buying and use of something
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promote the consumption of
Advertisers will not be allowed to promote the consumption of unhealthy foods to children.
to communicate a message or idea successfully
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put across
We need to put our views across to the public.
something useful or valuable that is hard to get
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rare commodity
I’ve discovered that honesty can be a rare commodity in business.
to change sth slightly
poprawić przystosować
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You may have to readjust your goals according to changed circumstances.
to make a relationship between two things stronger
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reinforce an association between
These images reinforce the association between wealth and happiness.
to make people start to feel worried or suspicious
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ring alarm bells
The drop in house prices will ring alarm bells in some quarters.
people or companies that are involved in a particular organization, project, system, etc., especially because they have invested money in it
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All our employees are stakeholders in the company.
a feeling of being worried or not confident about your social or professional position in relation to others
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He clearly suffered from status-anxiety.
to make or adapt sth specially for a particular purpose or person
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tailor towards a need
Training programmes are tailored towards the needs of specific groups.
to be made to believe sth that is not true
dać się zwieść, dać się nabrać
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be taken in by
Don’t be taken in by exaggerated claims about a product’s effectiveness.
to use or take advantage of something such as a feeling that already exists
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tap into
The movie tapped into powerful fears about climate change.
to be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens
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tend to
You will find that younger people tend to buy brighter colours.
something that is completely different from something else because it is at the opposite end of a range of possibilities, qualities, etc.
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the other end of the spectrum
Our company is at the other end of the spectrum to Microsoft in terms of size.
a strong desire to do sth
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We all have an urge to be accepted by others.
unique selling point: a feature of a product or service that makes it different from other similar products or services
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The unit’s USP is its small, portable size.

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