Unit 1.2

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identify v.
She was unable to identify her attacker.
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to recognize someone or something and say correctly who or what they are - zidentyfikować
identification n.
You can use a passport as identification.
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something official that shows your name, address, etc, usually with a photograph - identyfikacja
appreciate v.
He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.
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to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are - doceniać
appreciation n.
She has a fine appreciation of music.
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pleasure you feel when you realise something is good, useful, or well done - uznanie, poważanie
sign n.
Follow the signs to Birmingham.
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a piece of wood, metal, plastic, etc with words or pictures on it to give people information - znak
signature n.
Remember to put your signature on the contract.
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your name written the way you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter or on a cheque - podpis
please v.
Most children are eager to please.
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to make someone happy or satisfied
pleasure n.
She sipped her drink with pleasure.
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a feeling of happiness, satisfaction, or enjoyment - przyjemność
How do you prepare for an important test or exam?
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to make plans or arrangements for something that will happen soon, or to get yourself ready for it - przygotować
The England team have begun their preparation for next week's game.
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the work of preparing something or preparing for something - przygotowanie
prefer v.
Would you prefer a hot or a cold drink?
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to like or want someone or something more than someone or something else - woleć
preference n.
Which style you choose is just a matter of personal preference.
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when someone likes something more than something else - preferencja
involve v.
The job involves a lot of travelling.
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if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is a part of it - angażować
involvement n.
Your involvement in the project was impressive so you will receive a bonus.
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taking part in something, or being related to it in some way - zaangażowanie / udział
donate v.
Our school donated money to the Red Cross.
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to give something, especially money, to a person or organisation that needs help - darować
donation n.
Please make a donation to the hospital fund.
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something, especially money, that you give to help a person or organization - darowizna
Oil and water don't mix.
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if you mix two or more substances, or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance - mieszać
Pour the mixture into four small dishes.
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a liquid or other substance that is made by mixing several substances together, especially in cooking - mieszanina
He referred to her several times.
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to mention someone or something - odnosić się
If you are interested in the job, please send us your CV and a reference from a previous employer.
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a letter containing information about you that is written by someone who knows you well, and is usually intended for a new employer - referencje
The audience reacted by shouting and booing.
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to behave in a particular way because of what someone has done or said to you, or because of the situation you are in - zareagować
What was his reaction to the question?
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something that you feel or do because of what has happened to you or been said to you - reakcja
She is fast developing into one of this country's most talented players.
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if something develops, or if you develop it, it gets bigger or becomes more important - rozwijać
Vitamins are necessary for a child's growth and development.
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the process of growing, changing, or becoming better - rozwój
Do ghosts really exist?
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to happen or to be real or alive - istnieć
Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?
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when something exists, the state of existing - istnienie
The castle was built to defend the island against invaders.
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to protect someone or something from attack - bronić się, odpierać powództwo
The immune system is the body's defence against infection.
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the act of protecting something or someone from attack - obrona
We could hear the neighbours arguing.
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to shout and say angry things to someone because you disagree with them - spierać się
I had an argument with my mother.
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a situation in which people speak angrily to each other because they disagree about something
She treats me like one of the family.
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to behave towards someone in a particular way
I was unhappy with my treatment at passport control.
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a particular way of behaving towards someone or of dealing with them
His back injury prevented him from playing in the match.
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to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something - zapobiec
The crime prevention in our town is quickly improving.
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when someone is stopped from doing something or when something is stopped from happening
It looks like the peace talks are failing.
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to not suceed in achieving something
Successful people often aren’t very good at dealing with failure.
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a lack of success in achieving or doing something
Everyone was expected to contribute £2.
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to give money, help, ideas etc to something that other people are also involved in - przyczynić się, wnosić
Einstein’s enormous contribution to science
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something that you give or do to help make something successful - składka / wkład / udział
I wish he’d stop interfering in my life.
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to try to become involved in a situation when people do not want you to - ingerować, wtrącać się
I resented his interference in my work.
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when someone interferes in something - ingerencja, wtrącanie się
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ciągliwy, giętki, podatny/ulegający wpływom
the brain is a malleable organ, which changes according to our circumstances.
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ciągliwy, giętki, podatny/ulegający wpływom
the brain is a malleable organ, which changes according to our circumstances.

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