Turismo - Tourism

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essere cacciati
Mathew e i suoi amici sono diventati troppo chiassosi al bar, quindi sono stati cacciati.
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to eighty-six
Mathew and his friends got too rowdy at the bar, so they were eighty-sixed.
Aiuta tua sorella a trascinare quel bagaglio enorme.
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to schlep
Help your sister schlep that massive luggage.
mondo irreale
La maggior parte delle celebrità vive nel loro mondo irreale.
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la la land
Most celebrities live in their la la land.
I soldati morti in Vietnam non saranno mai dimenticati.
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The soldiers that died in Nam will never be forgotten.
I procioni frugano nella spazzatura
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short for racoon
Coons poke about their garbarge.
Mettiti una sciarpa: lì fuori si gela.
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pearl harbour
Take a scarf with you cause it's pearl harbour out there.
Ehi, vi va di mangiare qualcosa da McDonald's?
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Maccy D's
Hey, do you guys want to eat something in Maccy D's?
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