Time - prepositions and others (Czas - Przyimki i inne)

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W poniedziałek
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On Monday
We wtorek
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On Tuesday
W środę
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On Wednesday
W czwartek
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On Thursday
W piątek
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On Friday
W sobotę
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On Saturday
W niedzielę
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On Sunday
W styczniu
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In January
W lutym
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In February
W marcu
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In March
W kwietniu
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In April
W maju
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In May
W czerwcu
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In June
W lipcu
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In July
W sierpniu
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In August
We wrześniu
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In September
W październiku
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In October
W listopadzie
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In November
W grudniu
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In December
Dwa lata temu
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Two years ago
Pół roku temu
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Half a year ago
W tym roku
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This year
Tego dnia rok temu
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On this day a year ago
Przed pięcoma laty
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Five years ago
Dekadę temu
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a decade ago
W ubiegłym wieku
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In the last century
trzydziestego grudnia
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on the thirtieth of December
przed dziesiątym
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before the tenth
po piętnastym
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after the fifteenth
start learning
start learning
day before yesterday
start learning
start learning
day after tomorrow
za dwa tygodnie
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in two weeks/in a forthnight
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