thinking inside the box 1

 0    21 flashcards    grzegorzswierczynski
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myślenie w środku
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thinking inside
w pudełku
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inside the box
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the Welsh
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który próbował się opublikować
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who tried to post himself
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mężczyzna zapytał
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man has asked
o pomoc w znalezieniu
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for help to find
kto pomógł mu wrócić do domu?
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who helped him return home
spakowali go
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they packed him up
wysłał mu skrzynkę
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sent him a crate
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a crate
szuka dwóch mężczyzn
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is looking for two men
on tylko wie
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he only know
kiedy tęsknił za domem
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when he became homesick
koszt przelotu
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airfare cost
zrobił tylko
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he made only
więc wymyślił
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so he came up with
mała drewniana skrzynia
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small wooden crate
sam jako
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himself as
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