Teen Drummer

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bębniarz, perkusista
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a drummer
bęben (instrument muzyczny)
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a drum (NiV)
The musician played the drums.
ostrzeżenie (nazwa zespołu)
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warning (team name)
grać rocka
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to play rock (music)
zespół (muzyczny)
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a band
nieletni (ludzie)
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It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors. (NiV)
We can't play in bars because we are minors.
nieciekwy / nudny
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For me pop music is a duller experience.
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pumped up
Kłócimy się cały czas.
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We fight all the time.
pięć godzin dziennie
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five hours a day
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a technique
opuszczać szkołę
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to miss school
większość czasu
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most of the time
nadrabiać (zaległości)
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to catch up
We catch up pretty quickly.
całkiem szybko
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pretty quickly
osiągać coś
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to achieve sth
We are achieving our dreams together.
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uczucie, które jest nie do opisania
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undescribable feeling
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a teenager / a teen
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She's a teen drummer.

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