środowisko ekologia

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Chronić środowisko
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protect the environment
emisja gazów cieplarnianych
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greenhouse gase emissions
bogactwa naturalne
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natural resources
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become extinct
zanieczyszczać powietrze
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pollute the air
odnawialne źródło energii
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renewable energy source
oczyszczalnia ścieków
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sewege treatment plant
dwutlenek węgla
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carbon dioxide
odpady niebezpieczne
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hazardous waste
wyciek oleju
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oil spill
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
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air pollutant
odpady przemysłowe
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industrial waste
spaliny samochodowe / spaliny
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car fumes/exhaust fumes
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landfill site
gatunki zagrożone
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endengered species
paliwa kopalne
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fossil fuels
kwaśny deszcz
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acid rain
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get soaked
zalać deszczem
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pour with rain
uderzyć piorunem
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be struck by lightning
duszno gorąco
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stifling hot
ciśnienie powietrza
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air pressure
prognoza pogody
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weather forecast
stopnie Celsjusza
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degrees Celsius
poniżej zera
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beelow freezing
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flash of lightning
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clap of thunder
Podmuch wiatru
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gust of wind
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boiling hot
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freezing cold
pochmurne niebo
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overcast sky
gęsta mgła
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thick fog
delikatny wietrzyk
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gentle breeze
oblodzona droga
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icy road
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