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cześć, witaj
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hello welcome
cześć (na pożegnanie)
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nursery school/ kindergarten
szkoła podstawowa
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a primary school
ich rodzice
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their parents
jestem z nia 2 Lata po slubie
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I am with her 2 years after marriage
mam kochana zone
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i have a lovely wife
chcialbym miec
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I would like to have
mieszkam w mieszkaniu na trzecim pietrze
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I live in an apartment on the third floor
narzedzie do pracy
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tool to work
kiedyś byłem hokeistą
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I used to be a hockey player
ten samochód mi wystarcza
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this car is enough for me
dlatego mam 1 łazienkę
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therefore I have 1 bathroom
mam duze wydatki
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I have big expenses
nie myslalem o tym
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I didn't think about it
niepotrzebne rzeczy
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useless things
jest wystarczajacy
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it's enough
ponieważ ludzie wtedy glupieja
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because then people are stupid
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jest 3 Lata starszy ode mnie
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he is 3 years older than me
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z zmywaniem naczyn
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with washing dishes
kiedy mam ochote zjescbowoce to jem
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When I feel like eating fruit, I eat it
zalezy od miesiaca
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depends on the month
dużo butów
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lot of shoes
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Mam wszsystkiego po trochu
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I have a little bit of everything

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