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start learning
start learning
wstrzymanie wody
start learning
water retention
start learning
nic sie nie zmienilo
start learning
nothing has changed
start learning
nie pasuje tu
start learning
doesn't fit here
ja nie pasuje
start learning
I don't fit in
start learning
Brussels sprouts
biale krwinki
start learning
white blood cells
pracuje jako
start learning
I work as
nadrobic zaleglosci
start learning
catch up
fall aslepp
start learning
drop off
start learning
zatyczka do uszu
start learning
ear plug
start learning
nic mi nie wyslal
start learning
sent me nothing
start learning
I'm getting fat
nabiera formy
start learning
is taking shape
mam nadzieje ze to wyjdzie
start learning
I hope it will work out
imagine plus ing imagine travelling
start learning
imagine plus ing imagine traveling
start learning
to tak nie wyglada
start learning
it doesn't look like that
uciekac przed zyciem
start learning
run away from life
z jednej z drugiej strony
start learning
on one hand on the other hand
od 5 lat/ od 2020
start learning
from 5 years/ since 2020
doradca prezesa
start learning
managers Advisor
przeszlam przez to
start learning
I went through this
jestem znana
start learning
Im well known
jedzenie intuicyjne
start learning
intuitive eating
start learning
skora glowy
start learning
dawka robi roznice
start learning
the dose makes the difference
niedobory witamin
start learning
Vitamin deficiencies
orzechy brazylijskie
start learning
Brazil nuts
dzienne zapotrzebowanie na te witamine jest male
start learning
the daily requirement for this vitamin is small
zrodlo witaminy c
start learning
source of vitamin c
platki drozdzowe
start learning
yeast flakes
on byl na mnie zly
start learning
he was mad AT ME
jaki to jest swiat
start learning
what kind of world is this
nasze zerwanie bylo dziwne
start learning
our breakup was weird
po pierwsze po drugie
start learning
firstly secondly
trzesienie ziemi
start learning
start learning
on to wiedzial
start learning
he knew it
on wszystkiego sie boi
start learning
he is afraid of everything
stac go na to
start learning
he can afford it
isc pobiegac
start learning
go running
porblemy zdrowotne
start learning
health problems
jestem naprawde zainteresowana
start learning
I'm really interested
jestesmy mega podekscytowane
start learning
we are very excited
to miejsce jest ekscytujace
start learning
this place is exciting
nie bylam jeszcze w peru
start learning
I haven't been to Peru yet
nie dalam jeszcze wypowiedzenia
start learning
I haven't given notice yet
jest duzo wydarzen
start learning
there are a lot of events
mialam depresje
start learning
I had depression
sciagnelam aplikacje
start learning
I downloaded the applications
nie mam czasu
start learning
I have no time i dont have any time
enjoy love like hate plus ing
start learning
enjoy love like hate plus ii

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