skrótowce angl > pl

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Question Answer
I am
start learning
I have
start learning
I will
start learning
I would / I had
start learning
Bym / Miałem
You are
start learning
You have
start learning
You will
start learning
You would / You had
start learning
Byłbyś / Miałeś
He is / He has
start learning
On jest / On ma
She is / She has
start learning
Ona jest / Ona ma
It is / It has
start learning
To jest / To ma
We are
start learning
We have
start learning
We will
start learning
We would / We had
start learning
Bylibyśmy / Mieliśmy
They are
start learning
Oni są
They have
start learning
Oni mają
They will
start learning
Oni będą
They would / They had
start learning
Byliby / Mieli
Let us
start learning
start learning
Nie mogę
Will not
start learning
Nie będzie
Do not
start learning
Nie rób
Does not
start learning
Nie robi
Did not
start learning
Nie zrobił
Is not
start learning
Nie jest
Are not
start learning
Nie są
Have not
start learning
Nie mam
Has not
start learning
Nie ma
Had not
start learning
Nie miał
Should not
start learning
Nie powinien
Would not
start learning
Nie byłby
Could not
start learning
Nie mógł
Might not
start learning
Może nie
Must not
start learning
Nie możesz
Need not
start learning
Nie trzeba

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