Sentences - zdania

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The chair is free.
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To krzesło jest wolne.
Is the chair free?
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Czy krzesło jest wolne?
How old is she?
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Ile ona ma lat?
How old are you?
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Ile masz lat?
I don't know how old she is.
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Nie wiem, ile ona ma lat.
I am eighteen.
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Mam osiemnaście lat.
It doesn't matter.
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To nie ma znaczenia.
Please, take out your laptops. All laptops out of cases, please.
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Proszę, wyjąć swoje laptopy. Poproszę o wszystkie laptopy.
Please, switch off all the mobile phones and electronic devices.
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Wyłącz wszystkie telefony komórkowe i urządzenia elektroniczne.
Is this your bag?
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Czy to Twoja torba?
Can I see your passport, please?
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Czy mogę zobaczyć Pana paszport?
Where is the lift?
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Gdzie jest winda?
What's wrong?
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Co jest nie tak?
Where can I put my bag?
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Gdzie mogę włożyć torbę?
How much is it?
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Ile to kosztuje?
How much are they?
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Ile te rzeczy kosztują?
What is it?
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Co to jest?
That's great!
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To świetnie!
That's right.
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To prawda.
What's your mother's name?
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Jak ma na imie twoja mama?
What's your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
What's your telephone number?
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Jaki jest twój numer telefonu?
Where are you from?
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Skąd pochodzisz?
Where is she from?
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Ską ona jest?
Where is she?
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Gdzie ona jest?
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Good afternoon!
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Dzień dobry!
Good evening!
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Dobry wieczór!
Good morning!
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Dzień dobry!
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Do widzenia!
Happy birthday!
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Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!
How are you?
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Jak się masz?
How can I help you?
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Jak mogę ci pomóc?
How do you spell it?
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Jak to się pisze?
I don't know.
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Nie wiem.
I love you.
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Kocham cię.
See you on Friday!
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Do zobaczenia w piątek!
Nice to meet you!
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Miło cię poznać!
What's your nationality?
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Jakiej jesteś narodowości?
My telephone number is...
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Mój numer telefonu to...
My name is...
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Nazywam się...
Merry Xmas!
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Wesołych Świąt!
I'm fine, thanks.
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Czuję się dobrze, dzięki.
It's your turn.
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Twoja kolej.
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Ladies first.
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Panie jako pierwsze.
a table for tommorow
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stolik na jutro

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