Semana 5

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Question Answer
El celo del Señor Todopoderoso hará esto.
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zeal, heat, jealousy
The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.
Es importante destacar que en ningún caso se pretende dotar de representatividad estadística a los datos recogidos.
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to provide, give, equip
It is important to note that the collected data in no way aims to provide statistical representativeness.
Fue enterrando en el oratorio donde habitualmente rezaba.
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oratory, oratorio, chapel
He was buried in the oratory where he habitually prayed.
Cuando lance el primero, cúbreme.
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to throw, cast, move
When I throw the first one, cover me.
La palabra embrimesamenos es usada para describir el resoplido de un caballo.
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snorting, sniff, wheeze
The word embrimesamenos is used to describe a horse snorting.
Entonces tiene permiso para surcar nuestro mar.
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to sail, ride, cross
Then you have our permission to sail our sea.
Revisé cada arruga, grieta y doblez.
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wrinkle, crease, line
I've checked every wrinkle, crinkle and wrunkle.
Prefiero chupar un calcetín que comer lagarto.
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to suck, suck on, suck out
I'd rather suck a rhino sock than eating a lizard.
Déjame derramar algunas lágrimas por tus dedos falsos.
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to shed, spill, pour out
Let me shed some tears for your fake plastic toes.
Iban tropezando y saltando... corriendo gozosamente tras del maravilloso músico... con su vocerío y sus carcajadas.
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shouting, clamor, uproar
Tripping and skipping, ran merrily after the wonderful music with shouting and laughter.
Los dos países implicados en esta crisis no quieren asumir responsabilidades.
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to assume, take, take on
The two countries involved in this crisis do not want to assume responsibilities.
Estábamos a reventar de adrenalina y exigíamos más.
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to burst, bust, pop
We were about to burst with adrenaline and we demanded more.
Toma una ruta tortuosa sacudirse cualquier vigilancia.
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to shake off, throw off, jiggle
Take a circuitous route to shake off any surveillance.
Desde su laborioso sitial del "Molino de San Roque".
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seat, sceptr'd
From their laborious seat of the "Mill of San Roque".
Los necesitaré para agasajar a Bill.
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to entertain, wine and dine, regale
Well, I'll need that, you know, to entertain Bill.
Serán estupendos, pero es un manicomio.
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asylum, madhouse, loony bin
They may be wonderful, but it's still an asylum.
Los conductores deben ser capaces de desviarse para esquivar un obstáculo.
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to deviate from, be diverted, swerve
Riders must also be able to swerve around an obstacle.
Es un mini-helicóptero diseñado para asaltar zonas estrechas o elevadas.
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to assault, storm, raid
It's a mini helicopter designed for assault in areas of narrow or high space.
Hacer eso sería viciar los fundamentos constitucionales y legales especificados que sostienen la validez y viabilidad de cada petición.
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to vitiate, corrupt, spoil
To do so would vitiate the specified constitutional and legal foundations which uphold the validity and feasibility of each petition.
No quieren renunciar fácilmente, planean cavar los zorros.
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to dig, shovel, tunnel
Unwilling to give up easily, they plan to dig the foxes out.
Si prefiere un perfume aplastante o sutil.
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overwhelming, crushing, smashing
If she prefers perfume that's overwhelming or subtle.
Angelo Gnaedinger planteó acertadamente dos preguntas.
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rightly, aptly, correctly
Mr. Gnaedinger rightly raised two questions earlier.
Esta afirmación ninguna otra llamada deidad puede hacerla.
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deity, god, goddess
This is a claim no other so called deity can make.
Se utilizó para revestir topes en la planta de.
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to coat, cover, clothe
It was used to coat bumpers at the plant.
El papel pintado sol Acostado cautivar a sus invitados con sus hermosos colores.
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to captivate, charm, capture
Wallpaper Laying sun captivate your guests with its beautiful colors.
Deseos de tenerte y conocerte me hacen estremecer con loca pasión.
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to shudder, shake, rock
Desires to have you and know you make me shudder with mad passion.
Tendrá siempre la hipótesis de deslumbrarse con la vista al Monte Brasil o incluso al Ilheu das Cabras.
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to be dazzled, dazzling, glaring
You will always have the chance to be dazzled by the view of Monte Brasil or even Ilheu das Cabras.
Hace bien en asustarse, Hipólita.
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to be scared, be frightened, panic
She is right to be scared, Hippolyta.
Sin embargo, existe recelo entre expertos y activistas sobre los avances en cuestión.
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suspicion, misgiving, mistrust
However, there is suspicion on this progress among experts and activists.
Amnistía Internacional había emitido un comunicado, calificando al juicio de viciado desde el primer momento.
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flawed, stale, vitiated
Amnesty International had issued a statement, labelling the trial flawed from the get-go.
Escucha la súplica de tus siervos mientras invocamos tu bendición.
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supplication, plea, appeal
Hear the supplication of thy servant... as we invoke thy benediction.
Tendrá que permanecer quieto durante la radiografía.
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still, stationary, motionless
You will need to stay still during the X-ray.
7 A un mercader, en cuyas manos hay balanzas falsas, Le gusta oprimir.
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to oppress, press, push
7 He is a trafficker, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.
El tipo de trastorno depende del factor afectado.
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disorder, disruption, disturbance
The type of disorder depends on which factor is affected.
El jengibre es una raíz con un aspecto poco agradable pero de un sabor muy especial que podemos utilizar en la preparación de salsas, sopas, marinadas, platos principales e, incluso, algunos postres.
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El jengibre es una raíz con un aspecto poco agradable pero de un sabor muy especial que podemos utilizar en la preparación de salsas, soups, marinated, and main dishes, even, some desserts.
Habrá dolores y crujir de dientes.
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to gnash, creak, crack
There will be pains and gnashing of teeth.
Se realizó estudio radiográfico que reveló lesión osteolítica extensa en cadera derecha.
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hip, thigh, rump
A radiographic study was carried out revealing an extensive osteolytic lesion in right hip.
Empecé a correr más rápido y [pitido].
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bleep, beep, beeping
I began to run even faster and [bleep].
Habría palmado, pero Eric se ofreció.
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croaked, palmate, bought it
He would have croaked, but Eric stepped up.
Esa misteriosa mancha naranja resultó ser ácido sulfafenazol naftol sulfónico.
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stain, spot, blemish
That mysterious orange stain turned out to be sulfaphenazole naphthol sulfonic acid.
Tenemos que tapiar todas estas ventanas.
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to board up, wall up, wall
We've got to board up all of these windows.
Parte del monasterio está tallado en la montaña adyacente.
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carved, cut, cutting
Part of the monastery is carved out of the adjacent mountain.
Me recuerda a un hámster mordiendo el barrote de su jaula.
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bar, baluster, crossbeam
Reminded me of a hamster biting a cage bar.
Ustedes pueden verlas cada noche cuando está despejado.
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clear, cleared, cloudless
You can see them every night when it is clear.
La derecha: Resultados de la prueba positivos de remiendo.
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patch, patchwork, patching
Right: Positive patch test results.
Su hermana limpiaba la casa, pero sin esmerarse demasiado.
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not good enough, strive, do better
His sister kept house, parsimoniously.
Una imberbe Roma mejorará la limpieza.
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beardless, callow, hairless
A beardless Rome will improve the city's overall cleanliness.
De los que podrían despellejar cocodrilos.
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to skin, flay, skinning
Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile.
Zendikar es un mundo asolado por los monstruos extraplanares conocidos como los Eldrazi.
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ravaged, plagued, devastated
Zendikar is a world ravaged by otherworldly monsters known as the Eldrazi.
Previamente habíamos estado contenidos en un pequeño cascarón de estrellas.
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shell, eggshell, husk
Previously, we'd been contained within a small shell of stars.

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