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blat kuchenny
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wyczyść liście z rynny
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clean leaves oit of the gutter
Posprzątaj bałagan
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clean up the mess
przekształć strych w sypialnię
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convert an attic into a bedroom
zajmowac sie hydraulika
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do your own plumbing
wpadać do kogos
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drop in
naprawa anteny
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fix on aerial
utrzymuj porządek i porządek
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keep things neat and tidy
pomalowac sufit
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paint the celling
powiesiec polki
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put up some shelves
wymienić pekniety kafelek
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replace a broken tile
wyrzuccic śmieci
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throw out rubbish
prowizja dla posrednika
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podatek komunalny
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council tax
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agent nieruchomości
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estate agent
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