revision employment kotuła

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na skraju łez
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on the verge of tears, I'm not on the verge of tears anymore.
być na zasiłku
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be on the dole, we will be on the dole till next Christmas.
nieregularnie, z przerwami
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on and off, Just on and off for a few weeks.
mieć dobra passę
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be on a roll, Well, you seem to be on a roll.
urochomienie/ wyłączenie na żądanie
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on demand start/stop
mieć na linii
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on hold, we've got someone on hold.
jest uczciwy z pracownikami
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be on the level with the workers
na sprzedaż
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on offer
na podstawie
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on the basis of
wiązać koniec z końcem,
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To make ends meet., When I was young, my parents really had to struggle to make ends meet.
harować jak wół, tyrać jak wół
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To keep one's nose to the grindstone., We're keeping our noses to the grindstone to make a profit.
być kogos prawą ręką
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To be someone’s right-hand man, To be someone’s most trusted assistant.
pilnować pracy
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To keep one’s eye on the job
wydawać rozkazy,
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To call the shots, She uses assertive language, she likes to call the shots.
wyczerpujący, ponad siły tydzień pracy
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gruelling 100-hour week
przyziemne zadania
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mundane tasks
grant od dziekana
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dean grant
wyczerpujący projekt
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strenous project
kwalifikujacy się do programu, nadający się
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eligible for the program, eligible bachelor for me to marry.
dochodowa umowa
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lucrative contract
odpowiedzialny przed dziećmi
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accountable to children
prawdziwe powołanie
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true vocation
bodziec, zachęta do ciężkiej pracy
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incentive to work hard
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intern, trainee
letni staż
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summer intership
pozytywne referencje
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glowing testimonial
5-letnia kadencja
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five-years stint, She enjoyed her stint as a secretary.
sprawdzić kwalifikacje
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check your credentials
praktyka zawodowa
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apprenticeships, Good morning, I was supposed to appear here as part of apprenticeship.
His perks included a company car and free private health care
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przysługujący urlop
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holiday entitlement
pracować jako wolny strzelec
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work freelance
dostać pracę
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land a job, I should NOT have to learn Spanish to Land a job
stała praca
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permanent job, He never had a permanent job.
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ustanowić hierarchię
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establish a hierarchy
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a worker, employee
kolega z pracy
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zwolnienie lekarskie
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sick leave, Grace has pneumonia and is now on sick leave.
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave, She's been on maternity leave for some time now.
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testimonials, references
okres pracy
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a stint, a working period
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final, ultimate, Is it your ultimate decision?
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to emphasize, highlight
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flourishing, thriving
zdolny, uprawniony do zrobienia czegoś
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eligible, allowed to do sth, Is he eligible to work here?
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to start, launch, The campaign was launched to prevent breast cancer.
zdobyć pracę
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to land, get a job
odpowiedni do
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geared, suitable for
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assignment, task
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folks, people
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a trailblazer, pioneer
myśleć (potocznie)
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to figure, think
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meaningful, sensible
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workforce, staff
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to champion, defend, He defended his title this year, too.
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a hiatus, pause, break
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an intern, trainee
pojawić się (nagle)
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to spring up, appear, In this city, problems spring up everyday.
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a tryout, trial

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