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cheese burger
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ser burger
double cheese burger
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podwójny cheeseburger
chicken cury with rice
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Kurczak Cury z ryżem
seafood salad
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Sałatka z owoców morza
egg salad
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Sałatka z jaj
fish and mushroom pie
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ryba z grzybami kawałek
chicken pizza
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Pizza z kurczakiem
mushroom pizza
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Pizza z grzybami
four cheeses pizza
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pizza z czterema serami
meat pizza
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pizza z mięsem
seafood pizza
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pizza z owocami morza
ice cream, vanilia, chocolate, strawsberry
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banana cake
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ciasto bananowe
fruit cake
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orange juice
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sok pomarańczowy
apple juice / orange
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sok jabłkowy / pomarańczowy
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macaroni cheese
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makarony z serem
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krem (danie budyniowe)
Excuse me!
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What can I do for you?
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Czym mogę służyć?
Could I have the menu, please?
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Czy mogę prosić o menu?
What can you recommendet?
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Co możesz polecić?
I will take...
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For a starter, I will have...
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Na przestawkę poproszę...
For my main course, I will take
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Na moje danie główne wezmę
Anything to drink?
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Coś do picia?
I will have same tea/coffe/wine
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Poproszę herbatę / kawę / wino
I wold like the steak rare / medium / well done
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Poproszę stek mało / średnio / dobrze wypieczony
This would be all.
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To wszystko.
May we sit here?
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Czy możemy zająć te miejsca.
Where are the toilets?
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Gdzie tu są toalety?
Would you like to have a look at the menu
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Chciałbyś rzucić okiem na menu
What would you like to drink?
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Co chcesz do picia?
Can I have something to drink, please?
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Czy mogę prosić o coś do picia?
Could I have the bill, please?
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Mogę dostać rachunek, proszę?
I would like to have a pizza, please.
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Poproszę pizzę.

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