Raimond 21st July (45 min)

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Wróciłem do domu o dziesiątej.
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I came back home at 10.
wyjść na rower
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to go for a bike ride
Yesterday we WENT for a ride bike.
Let's go for a bike ride.
Dobrze się bawiliśmy.
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We had fun. / We had a great time.
Dobrej zabawy!
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Have fun!
Spędziliśmy 4 godziny w mieście.
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We spent 4 hourS in the city.
Wypiliśmy piwo.
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We HAD a beer. / We drank a beer.
Wypijmy piwo.
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Let's have a beer. / Let's drink a beer.
Chcę się zdrzemnąć.
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I want TO take a nap. / I want TO have a nap.
FRIED bread
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to fry sth
smażony chleb
Zacząłem o ósmej.
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I started AT 8.
Przyjechałem do domu o 6.
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I came home at 6.
być w domu
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to be AT home
Ja jestem w domu.
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I'm at home.
Ona jest w domu.
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She is at home.
Oni są w pracy.
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They are at work.
O której wyszedłeś ze swojego mieszkania?
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What time did you leave your flat?
Zajęło nam 10 minut, żeby dojechać do miasta.
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It TOOK us 10 minutes to get to the city.
Ile czasu zajmuje ci dotarcie do pracy z rana?
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How much time does it take you to get to work in the morning?
It takes me 1 hour to get to work in the morning.
Moja pamięć jest straszna.
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My memory is terrible.
Rozmawiam teraz z moją mamą.
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I'm speaking with my mum now.
Wczoraj spróbowałem mu pomóc.
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Yesterday I tried TO help him.
to nie ma znaczenia
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it doesn't matter
Chciałbym pójść do kina.
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I would like to go to the cinema. / I'd like to go to the cinema.
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a burger
Co chciałabyś dzisiaj zrobić?
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What would you like to do today?
Co chcesz dzisiaj zrobić?
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What DO you want to do today?
Napiszę do ciebie wiadomość.
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I'll message you. / I'll text you.

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