Raimond 19th July (45 min)

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a woman
dwie kobiety
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two women
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a man
dwóchg mężczyzn
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two men
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a child
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kids / children
NEVER: childs / childrenS
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a tooth
dwa zęby
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two teeth
szczoteczka do zębów
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a toothbrush
pasta do zębów
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myć zęby
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to clean / to brush your teeth
I'm brushing my teeth now.
Eva myje zęby teraz.
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Eva is brushing her teeth.
Mój tata myje zęby teraz.
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My dad is brushing his teeth.
Myję zęby dwa razy dziennie.
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I brush my teeth twice a day.
Eva myje zęby trzy razy dziennie.
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Eva BRUSHES her teeth three times a day.
Codziennie ona myje swoją twarz.
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Every day she washES her face.
On ogląda tv codziennie.
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He watchES tv every single day.
Wczoraj wieczorem umyłem moje zęby.
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Yesterday evening I BRUSHED my teeth.
Wczoraj ona umyła swoją twarz.
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Yesterday she WASHED her face.
Wczoraj obejrzałem film w tv.
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Yesterday I watched a film ON TV.
w internecie
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ON THE internet
W miniony piątek nie poszedłem do kina.
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Last Friday I DIDN'T GO to the cinema.
Czy poszedłeś do kina w miniony czwartek?
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Did you go to the cinema last Thursday?
Idę do kina teraz.
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I'm going to the cinema.
Jak często chodzisz do kina?
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How often DO you go to the cinema?
Jak często chodziłeś do kina, gdy byłeś dzieckiem?
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How often DID you go to the cinema when you were a child?
Ona chodzi do kina dwa razy w roku.
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She goES to the cinema twice a year.
On być może przyjedzie do Wilna jeszcze raz we wrześniu.
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He might come to Vilnius again in September.
Maybe he WILL come to Vilnius again in September.
Być może pomogę ci.
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Maybe I'll help him.
I might help him.
Być może pojadę do Włoch w przyszłym tygodniu.
I might go to Italy next week.
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Maybe I'll go to Italy next week.
On miał 20 lat.
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He WAS 20 years old.
do NOT say: he HAD 20 years
On urodził się w Indiach.
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He WAS born in India.
do NOT say: He born in India.
na całym świecie
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IN the whole world
It's the biggest hotel chain IN the whole world.
do NOT say: on THE world

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