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O czym myślisz
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What are you thinking about?
Z kim idziesz do kina?
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Who are you going to the cinema with?
Do czego to służy?
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What is this for?
Skąd jest twoja żona
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Where is your wife from?
Na jaki email odpowiedziała?
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What email has she replied to?
Dla kogo były te kwiaty
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Who were these flowers for?
na co czekamy?
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what are we waiting for?
czym to otworzyłeś?
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what did you open it with?
z kim rozmawiam?
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Who am I speaking to? W literackim stylu: To whom am I speaking?
jak ona wyglądała?
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what did she look like?
jaka ona jest
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what is she like?
jak smakuje ludzkie mięso?
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what does human meat taste like?
jak to było całować Brada Pitta?
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what was kissing Brad Pitt like?
Do kogo piszesz maila?
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Who are you writing an email to?
do czyjego domu poszedł ksiądz?
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whose house did the priest go to?
Od czego jest ta śrubka?
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What is the screw from?
dla kogo kupiłeś te czekoladki
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who did you buy these chocolates for?
Do jakiej szkoły chodziłeś
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what school did you go to?
skąd przyszły to dziecko?
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where has this child come from
O czym jest ten film?
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What is this film about?
jak pachnie marihuana?
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what does marijuana smell like?
na czyje imprezie się poznali
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whose party did they meet at?
na co się gapisz?
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what are you staring at?
Za co mi dziękujesz?
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what are you thanking me for?
z kim rozmawiałaś?
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Who did you talk to?
Jaka jest twoja siostra?
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What is your sister like?
Jak wygląda twoja siostra?
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What does your sister look like?
nad czym pracujesz?
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what are you working on?
Dla kogo jest Snapchat?
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Who is Snapchat for?
czym zabiłeś babcię?
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what did you kill Grandma with?
Czym się interesujesz?
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What are you interested in?
w co zapakowałeś mój prezent?
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what did you wrap my gift in?
Z czego się śmiejesz?
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What are you laughing at?

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