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Question Answer
przyznać się do
start learning
admit to
spierać się o
start learning
argue about
chwalić się
start learning
boast about
Przyznaj się do
start learning
confess to
start learning
confide in
podzielić na
start learning
divide into
zapytaj o
start learning
enquire about
sprzeciwić się komuś
start learning
object to sb
wskazywać na
start learning
point at
start learning
recover from
polegać na
start learning
rely on
przypomnieć o
start learning
remind of
start learning
absent from
niespokojny o
start learning
anxious about
start learning
fond of
quilty z
start learning
quilty of
zależny od
start learning
dependent of
niezależny od
start learning
indepentend of
start learning
keen on
start learning
married to
Podatne na
start learning
susceptible to
zadowolony z
start learning
happy about
znany z
start learning
known for

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