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kłócić się z
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argue with
Dobrze się z kimś dogadywać, być w dobrych stosunkach
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to get on (well) with
mieć z kimś coś wspólnego
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to have something in common with somebody
mieszkać z kimś
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live with somebody
opiekować się kimś
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to look after sb/take care of
wyglądać jak
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to look like
zgadzać się z
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agree with
pytać o
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ask about
prosić o
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to ask for
należeć do
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to belong to
zalezec od
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to depend on
Dobre poczucie humoru
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Good sense of humor
złe poczucie humoru
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bad sense of humor
Za czyimiś plecami
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Behind someone's back
śmiać się
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to laugh at
start learning
listen to
Zapłacić za
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Pay for
myśleć o czymś
start learning
think about something

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