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the election result was ambigious
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open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning
many patients suffer vague symptoms
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niejasny, niewyraźny
blurry or uncertain
their status remains indefinite
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not clearly defined, or lasting for a period with no fixed end
the situation was mamageable, if a little nerve-racking
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łatwy w obsłudze/użyciu
able to be organized or completed without too much difficulty
put on clothes
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ubrać się
cumbersome process
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uciążliwy proces
hit the roof
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nagle stać się bardzo zdenerwowanym
suddenly become very angry
over the moon
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bardzo szczęśliwy
knuckle down to sth
the sailors knuckled down when there was work to be done
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focus hard on getting task done
step up
Phill stepped up to coach the team
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work harder
get ahead
I want to get ahead in my career
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become successful in one’s career
copy in
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add someone to an email thread
bring forward sth
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move to an earlier time
push back
the show’s start time has been pushed back 10 minutes
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postpone or delay an event
back to square one
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have to return to the beginning of sth
a long shot
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sth with limited chance of success
a learning curve
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krzywa uczenia się
touch base
they are travelling back to NY, where they plan to touch base with relatives
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talk to someone quickly to catch up on a situation
get up to speed
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get all the latest information about sth
disastrous consequences of deforestation
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katastrofalne skutki wylesiania
debatable issue
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kwestia dyskusyjna
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a humorous imitation of sth, typically a film or a particular genre or film, in which its characteristic features are exaggerated for comic effect
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abreast of sb / sth
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na bieżąco z kimś
move with the times
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keep abreast of current thinking or developments
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the person in charge of a meeting
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arrange and take part in (a meeting or conversation).
get the ball rolling (idiom)
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przejąć kontrolę
off point or away from the point
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not relevant to this discussion
cut to the chase
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reach to the decision
be on the same page
Are we on the same page?
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hammer home
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sth is absolutely clear
let’s go back to the drawing board
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start sth again
bottom line
How will this affect our bottom line?
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total profit a business make / most important thing in discussion
call it a day
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finish sth
put up with
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a remark intended to humilize or criticise someone
put down
Harry put down his cup
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put off
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odkładać / przełożyć
put down a deposit
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odłożyć depozyt
put away clothes
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odłożyć ubrania
put together
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put across
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komunikować efektywnie i jasno
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reflexive pronouns
yourself, ourselves, each other etc
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zaimki zwrotne
comparative or superlative forms
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formy porównawcze lub najwyższe

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