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hello (formal)
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hi (to your mate)
만나서 반갑습니다
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Nice to meet you (less formal)
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to meet (infinitive)
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to be happy (infinitive)
안녕히 가세요
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Goodbye (formal, said by the person staying to the person leaving)
안녕히 계세요
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Goodbye (formal, said by leaving person to someone who's staying)
잘 가요
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Bye (informal, polite)
잘 가
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Bye (informal)
제 이름은 ... 입니다
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My name is (formal)
내 이름은 ... (c) 이에요/ (v) 예요
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My name is (casual, people of the same age)
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nice to meet you (informal, polite)
네 반가워요
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nice to meet you too (polite)
반가워요 저는...
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Nice to meet you I... (name) (if you introducing yourself)
반가워요 제 이름은 ... 입니다
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nice to meet you my name is... (polite)
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thank you (formal)
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thank you (less formal)
처음 뷥겠습니다
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Nice to meet you! (very formal) [It's my first time seeing you]
만나서 반갑습니다
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Nice to meet you! (less formal)
이름이 무엇입니까?
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What's your name? (formal, very polite) [What is the name of the?]
이름(이) 뭐예요?
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What's your name? (polite)
이름이 뭐지?
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What's your name? (casual, informal)
이름이 어떻게 되십니까?
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What is your name? (very polite)
이름(이) 어떻게 되세요?
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What is your name? (polite)
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Who is it? (polite)
영화를 보다
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