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Question Answer
on ma
start learning
he has got
on chce
start learning
he wants
on potrzebuje
start learning
he needs
on lubi
start learning
he likes
on musi
start learning
he must
on moze
start learning
he can
on powinien
start learning
he should
ona ma
start learning
she has got
ona chce
start learning
she wants
ja mam
start learning
I have
ja chce
start learning
I want
ja potrzebuje
start learning
I need
ja musze
start learning
I must
ja moge
start learning
I can
ja powinienem
start learning
I should
ja zrobie
start learning
I will do
gdzie jest
start learning
where is
kiedy pojdziemy
start learning
when will we go
kto ma
start learning
who has
ktory wolisz
start learning
which one do you prefer
start learning
I had
start learning
I needed
start learning
I wanted
on miał
start learning
he had
ona lubiła
start learning
she liked
oni poszli
start learning
They went
start learning
you have seen
będę miała
start learning
I will have
start learning
I go
on będzie
start learning
he will
ona będzie potrzebować
start learning
she will need it
oni zrobią
start learning
they will
start learning
czy masz
start learning
do you have
czy możesz powtórzyć?
start learning
can you repeat?
czy możesz mi pomoc
start learning
can you help me
co myślisz o?
start learning
What do you think about the?

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