Phrasal verbs - IN INTO

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włamać się do domu
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break in/into
to enter a building illegally for the purpose of stealing something: "Thieves broke into our office downtown and stole the computers."
zameldować się
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check in
to report your arrival, esp. at an airport or hotel: "Passengers are requested to check in two hours before the flight."
wejść do środka
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get in
to arrive at a place: "What time do you get into Heathrow?"
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give in
to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time: "The government cannot be seen as giving in to terrorists' demands."
wpakować do więzienia
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run in
to arrest somebody and take them to a police station: "to arrest somebody and take them to a police station"
wpaść na kogoś przypadkiem
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run into someone
to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to: "Graham ran into someone he used to know at school the other day."
badać sprawe
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look into
to examine the facts about a problem or situation: "We're looking into the possibility of merging the two departments."

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