Phrasal Verbs 73-131

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start learning
fall down
przewrocic sie
start learning
fall over
start learning
fall out
pokłócić sie
start learning
fall out with
wpaść do
start learning
fall into
rozpadać sie
start learning
disintegrate, fall apart
nie powiesc sie
start learning
fall through
pozostawać w tyle
start learning
fall behind
dac sie nabrac, zakochac sie
start learning
fall for
start learning
fall, fell, fallen
start learning
make, made, made
wynagradzać, wymyślać, uzupełniać
start learning
to make up
pogodzic sie
start learning
reconcile, make up with sb
nadrabiać, rekompensować
start learning
make up for sth, compensate
składać sie z
start learning
consist of, to be made up of
zdecydować sie
start learning
make up one's mind,
start learning
write out
start learning
run, ran, run
start learning
run away
pozostac bez, konczyc sie
start learning
be left without end, run out of sth
wpasc na kogos
start learning
bump into someone, run into sb
zbiegac ze schodow
start learning
run down the stairs
ubiegac sie o stanowisko
start learning
apply for a position, to run for
podbiec do kogos
start learning
run to someone
nakrzyczec na kogos
start learning
shout at someone
start learning
distinguish, tell apart
naskarżyć na kogos
start learning
complain to someone, to tell on sb
start learning
pick up
dłubac w czyms
start learning
pick at something
czepiac sie kogos
start learning
to pick on someone
start learning
continue, carry on
wprowadzac w życie
start learning
to implement, carry out
przenosic, przesuwac
start learning
pojawiac sie
start learning
appear, show up
start learning
like a tour, show around
popisywac sie
start learning
show off
start learning
show through
start learning
refer, send back
przesłac poczta
start learning
send off
start learning
send out
przysłac prospekt
start learning
make a prospectus, send in
start learning
show, showed, shown
start learning
sit down
start learning
sit, sat, sat
siedziec bezczynnie
start learning
sit around
wyprostowac sie
start learning
sit up
start learning
get up
stac przy kims, wspierac kogos
start learning
stand by someone, support someone
oznaczać, znaczyć
start learning
mean, stand for
wyrózniać się
start learning
stand out
wstawic sie za kims
start learning
plead, stand up for sb
postawic sie komus
start learning
put yourself up, stand up to sb
start learning
die, pass away
start learning
pass out
przejsc obok kogos
start learning
pass by someone
przepuscic, przegapic
start learning
pass up
puscic obiegiem
start learning
pass around
przekazać wiadomosc
start learning
pass sth on (to sb)
wpasc do kogos
start learning
drop in on someone
wysadzic kogos na skrzyżowaniu, zostawic paczke
start learning
drop off
wycofać się
start learning
drop out
start learning
hang on
odlozyc sluchawke
start learning
hang up
rozwiesic pranie
start learning
hang out sth
trzymac sie z daleka
start learning
stay away
zostac w domu
start learning
stay at home
wyjsc z domu
start learning
leave the house
byc poza domem
start learning
to be outside the home
zostac na noc
start learning
stay the night
start learning
cut up
start learning
cut out
scinac drzewa
start learning
to cut down trees
start learning
begin, kick off
Zemsta, odplacic sie
start learning
pay back
start learning
pay in
powstrzymac sie
start learning
hold back
start learning
wait, hold on
wyplacic pieniadze
start learning
withdraw money
wpłacic pieniądze na konto bankowe
start learning
put money into a bank account
start learning
zrobic przelew
start learning
make a transfer
otworzyc konto
start learning
open an account
czekac w kolejce
start learning
waiting in line
mozesz czekac metr od innej osoby
start learning
can you wait a meter from another person
trzymaj sie
start learning
hold on
podtrzymywac, podnosic
start learning
hold up
start learning
consider, think over
Przemyśl to, dobrze sie zastanowic
start learning
think through
wymyslic cos
start learning
come up with something, think up
dogonic kogos
start learning
catch up with someone
nadrobic cos
start learning
catch up on sth
przymierzyc ubranie
start learning
try on clothes
start learning
try out
zawodzic kogos
start learning
let someone down
wpuscic kogos
start learning
let someone in
wypuscic kogos
start learning
let someone out
zdradzic sekret
start learning
let on to sb
start learning
grow up
wyrosnac z czegos
start learning
to grow out of something
wyrosnac na
start learning
grow into
zapiac pasy
start learning
fasten seatbelts, do up
poradzic sobie bez czegos
start learning
to do without something
pozbyc sie
start learning
get rid off,
spakowac sie
start learning
pack up
start learning
beat sb up
start learning
block up
start learning
boil over
trzymac sie czegos
start learning
hang on, stick to sth
start learning
burn down
start learning
close down
start learning
cross out
start learning
sell out
start learning
record, write down
przepisać na czysto
start learning
write up
wypisac recepte
start learning
write out a prescription
start learning
summarize, to sum up
polegać na kims
start learning
rely on somebody
start learning
help out
start learning
clean up
zwracac uwage
start learning
pay attention
start learning
continue, follow up
wytropić, wyśledzic
start learning
track down

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