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Question Answer
desmayarse, perder conocimiento
start learning
pass out (to)
comer fuera, salir a cenar
start learning
eat out (to)
resolver, solucionar
start learning
figure out (to)
Quedarse sin
start learning
run out of (to)
start learning
tie up (to)
recortar en (gastos, tabaco...)
start learning
cut back on something (to)
parecerse a, semejarse a
start learning
take after (to)
equivocarse, cometer un error
start learning
mess up (to)
estafar a alguien, timar
start learning
rip somebody off (to)
aparecer, llegar
start learning
show up (to)
respaldar, apoyar
start learning
back up (to)
incrementar, dar un paso adelante
start learning
step up (to)
dar por perdido
start learning
writte off (to)
suscitar, atraer interes
start learning
drum up (to)
lograr, conseguir
start learning
bring off (to)
enviar una copia de algo a alguien
start learning
copy in somebody (to)
start learning
rip off (to)
concluir, dar por terminado
start learning
wind up (to)
esmerarse, aplicarse
start learning
knuckle down (to)
start learning
add up (to)
acabar una relacion
start learning
split up (to), break up (to)
start learning
cheer up (to)
start learning
look up (to)
desmoronarse, derrumbarse
start learning
break down (to)
ponerse con
start learning
get on with (to)
aguantar, esperar
start learning
hold on (to)
parecerse, asemejarse
start learning
take after (to)
start learning
turn out (to)
start learning
give back (to)
cumplir con (promesas, principios)
start learning
live up to (to)
desencadenar, detonar
start learning
set off (to)
hablar de, opinar
start learning
speak up (to)

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