Patricija 4th Dec

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Jest trzeci grudnia.
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It's the third of December.
Moje urodziny są dwudziestego trzeciego maja.
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My birthday is ON the 23rd of May.
Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
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a husband
Kiedy są urodziny twojego męża?
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When is your husband's birthday?
O której poszłaś spać w piątek?
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What time did you go to sleep on Friday?
O której godzinie wstałeś w sobotę?
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What time did you get up on Saturday?
Co jadłeś na śniadanie w sobotę?
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What did you eat for breakfast on Saturday?
W sobotę jadłeś naleśniki na śniadanie.
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You ate pancakes for breakfast on Saturday.
kilka naleśników
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a few pancakes
dużo naleśników
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a lot of pancakes / many pancakes
więcej naleśników
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more pancakes
Mam do ciebie kilka pytań.
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I have a few questions for you.
Co zrobiłeś w sobotę?
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What did you do on Saturday?
upiec ciasto
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to bake a cake
upiec chleb
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to bake bread
piec mięso/warzywa
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to roast meat / veggies
Robię teraz śniadanie.
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I'm MAKING breakfast now.
Co robisz na obiad? (teraz)
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What are you making for dinner?
Mogę Ci pomóc?
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Shall I help you?
Can I help you?
Czy mam zadzwonić do ciebie później?
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Shall I call you later?
Zaczynijmy, dobrze?
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Let's start, shall we?
Skończmy, dobrze?
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Let's finish, shall we?
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a parade
bożonarodzeniową parada
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a Christmas parade
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in the evening
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a mechanic
Wesołych Świąt
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Merry Christmas
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Christmas Eve
w Wigilię
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ON Christmas Eve
Boże Narodzenie (25.12)
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Christmas Day
w dzień Bożego Narodzenia
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ON Christmas Day
drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
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Boxing Day
ON Boxing Day
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a box
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W drugi dzień świąt zawsze jedziemy do mojej babci.
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On Boxing Day we always go to my granny's.
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To łatwizna.
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It's a piece of cake.
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Gdzie kupiłaś ten płaszcz?
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Where did you buy this coat?
Zdejmij kurtkę.
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Take the jacket off.

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