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dokonac zamachu/zamach/zamachowiec
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bribery / bribe
pranie brudnych pieniedzy
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money laundering
kradzież kieszonkowa/kieszonkowiec
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pickpocketing / pickpocket
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dostać dożywocie
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get a life sentence
przetrzymywać w areszcie śledczym
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keep in custody
nie przyznawać sie do winy
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plead not guilty
spisać zeznania
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take a statement
zeznawać w sądzie
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testify in court
siły zbrojne
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armed forces
ogłosić zawieszenie broni
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deare a ceasefire
rozproszyc tlum
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disperse the crowd
negocjacje pokojowe
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peace talks
uciekac sie do czegos
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resort to sth
wysłać/wycofać oddziały wojskowe
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send in/ withdraw troops
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armatki wodne
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water cannons
broń masowego rażenia
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weapons of mass destruction
mieszkania w przysyepnej cenie
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affordable housing
w zastraszajacym tempie
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at an alarming rate
poniżej granicy ubóstwa
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below the breadline
redystrybucja bogactwa
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rediatribution of wealth
niesprawiedliwosc spoleczna
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social injustice
grupy społecznie/ ekonomicznie upośledzone
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socially/economically underprivileged groups
karta do głosowania
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ballot paper
mieć prawo do głosowania
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be eligible to vote
okreg wyborczy
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kandydować na urząd
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run for office
monarchia konstytucyjnna
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constitutional monarchy
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democracy / democratic
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władza wykonawcza
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executive power
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szef rządu/głowa państwa
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head of government / state
Izba Gmin
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House of Commons
Izba Lordów
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House of Lords
Izba Reprezentantów
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House of Representatives
władza sądownicza
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judicial branch
lider Partii Konserwatywnej/Partii Pracy
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leader of the Conservative / Labour party
władza ustawodawcza
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legislative power
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Member of Parliament
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prime minister
dostepnosc edukacji
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accesibility of education
zajmowac sie globalnymi zagrozeniami
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address global threats
palący problem
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burning issue
wspomagac wzrost gospodarczy
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encourage economic growth
stabilnosc finansowa
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financial stability
promowac porozumienie miedzykulturowe
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promote cultural understanding
wywołać skandal
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cause a scandal
zyskiwać przewage
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gain ground
zorganizowac konferencje prasową
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give a press conference
spełniać obietnice
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honour a promise
ujawnić informacje
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leak information
lewicowy/ prawicowy
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postepowac zgodnie z linia parti
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toe the party line
przekonac kogos
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win sb over
tracic na wartosci
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drop in value
znalezc sie w/wyjsc z recesji
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go into/come out of recession
stopa procentowa
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interest rate
gwaltownie spadac
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stock market
warunki życia
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standard of living
dyskryminacja kogoś
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discrimination against sb
brak poszanowania do kogos/czegos
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disregard for sb/sth
wolnosc slowa
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freedom of speech
podstawowe wolnosci
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fundament freedoms
godnosc ludzka
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human dignity
rownosc plci/rownosc spoleczna
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gender/social equality
stanac w obronie kogos/czegos
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stand up for sb/sth
prawo do prywatnosci
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right to privacy
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miec problem ze zrozumieniem czegos
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find sth puzzling
uwazac cos za swiete
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hold sth sacred
bogata roznorodnosc
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rich diversity
system wierzeń
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system of beliefs
zrozumieć niuanse
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understand nuances
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być wiernym czemuś
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adhere to sth
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authoritarian regime
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postepowac idee
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progressive ideas
poglady socjalistyczne
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socialist views
ścisly kodeks moralny
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strict moral code
rozdysponowac pieniadze(podatników)
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commit the (tax payer's) money
znalezc roznice
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figure out the difference
miec dobra/zla prase
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have good/bad press
zrozumiec cos
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get your head round sth
w dajacej sie przewidziec przyszlosci
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in the foreseeable future
stawic czolo powaznym problemom
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tackle major problems
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crime rate
czuc sie calkowicie zagubionym
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feel utterly lost
zachowywac pozory
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go trough the motions
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on record
numer referencyjny
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reference number
start learning
tick away

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