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we wtorek
start learning
on Tuesday
start learning
at the very latest
na całe życie
start learning
for life
w międzyczasie
start learning
in the meantime
start learning
in the beginning
na moje urodziny
start learning
for my birthday
start learning
out of date
na początku
start learning
at the beginning
od tej pory
start learning
from now on
od wieków
start learning
for ages
w weekend
start learning
at the weekend
w taki miły dzień
start learning
on such a nice day
w tym momencie
start learning
at the moment
za chwilę
start learning
in a while
za dnia
start learning
by day
do teraz
start learning
by now
mieć dobre relacje z kimś
start learning
get on/along with
start learning
get away
uciec od konsekwencji
start learning
get away with
dawać sobie radę finansowo
start learning
get by
start learning
get over
start learning
pull down
zatrzymać się na poboczu
start learning
pull over
wyrzucić/pozbyć się czegoś
start learning
throw out/away
za każdym razem
start learning
dopóki nie
start learning
jak tylko
start learning
as soon as
start learning
by the time

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